The XMLTEXT function returns an XML value that contains the value of string-expression.

An expression that returns a value of a built-in character or graphic string. It cannot be CHAR or VARCHAR bit data.

The result of the function is an XML value. If the result of string-expression can be null, the result can be null; if the result of string-expression is null, the result is the null value. If the result of string-expression is an empty string, the result value is empty text.


  • Create a simple XMLTEXT query.
                'The stock symbol for Johnson&Johnson is JNJ.'))

    This query produces the following serialized result:

    The stock symbol for Johnson&Johnson is JNJ.
    Note that the '&' sign is mapped to '&' when the text is serialized.
  • Use XMLTEXT with XMLAGG to construct mixed content. Suppose that the content of table T is as follows:
  • SEQNO  PLAINTEXT                                                     EMPHTEXT
    -----  ----------------------------------------------------------    ----------
    1      This query shows how to construct                             mixed content
    2       using XMLAGG and XMLTEXT. Without                            XMLTEXT
    3      , XMLAGG will not have text nodes to group with other nodes,  mixed content
           therefore, cannot generate             
                                          NAME "emphasis", EMPHTEXT))
                           ORDER BY SEQNO), '.') AS "result"
      FROM T
    This query produces the following result:
    <para>This query shows how to construct <emphasis>mixed content</emphasis>
    using XMLAGG and XMLTEXT. Without <emphasis>XMLTEXT</emphasis>, XMLAGG
    will not have text nodes to group with other nodes, therefore, cannot generate
    <emphasis>mixed content</emphasis>.</para>