The CONCAT function combines two arguments.


The arguments must be compatible. For more information about data type compatibility, see Assignments and comparisons.

An expression that returns a value of any built-in numeric, datetime, or string data type. A numeric or datetime argument is cast to a character string before evaluating the function. For more information about converting numeric or datetime to a character string, see VARCHAR.
An expression that returns a value of any built-in numeric, datetime, or string data type. A numeric or datetime argument is cast to a character string before evaluating the function. For more information about converting numeric or datetime to a character string, see VARCHAR.

The result of the function is a string that consists of the first argument string followed by the second. The data type of the result is determined by the data types of the arguments. For more information, see With the concatenation operator. If either argument can be null, the result can be null; if either argument is null, the result is the null value.


Syntax alternatives: The CONCAT function is identical to the CONCAT operator. For more information, see With the concatenation operator.


  • Concatenate the column FIRSTNME with the column LASTNAME.
        WHERE EMPNO ='000010'
    Returns the value 'CHRISTINEHAAS'.