TIME (Retrieve Time and Date)

Free-Form Syntax (not allowed – use the %DATE, %TIME, and %TIMESTAMP built-in functions)
Code Factor 1 Factor 2 Result Field Indicators
TIME     Target field      

The TIME operation accesses the system time of day and/or the system date at any time during program processing. The system time is based on the 24-hour clock.

The Result field can specify one of the following into which the time of day or the time of day and the system date are written:

Result Field Value Returned Format
6-digit Numeric Time hhmmss
12-digit Numeric Time and Date hhmmssDDDDDD
14-digit Numeric Time and Date hhmmssDDDDDDDD
Time Time Format of Result
Date Date Format of Result
Timestamp Timestamp *ISO
If the Result field is a numeric field, to access the time of day only, specify the result field as a 6-digit numeric field. To access both the time of day and the system date, specify the result field as a 12- (2-digit year portion) or 14-digit (4-digit year portion) numeric field. The time of day is always placed in the first six positions of the result field in the following format:

If the Result field is a numeric field, then if the system date is included, it is placed in positions 7 through 12 or 7 through 14 of the result field. The date format depends on the date format job attribute DATFMT and can be mmddyy, ddmmyy, yymmdd, or Julian. The Julian format for 2-digit year portion contains the year in positions 7 and 8, the day (1 through 366, right-adjusted, with zeros in the unused high-order positions) in positions 9 through 11, and 0 in position 12. For 4-digit year portion, it contains the year in positions 7 through 10, the day (1 through 366, right-adjusted, with zeros in the unused high-order positions) in positions 11 through 13, and 0 in position 14.

If the Result field is a Timestamp field, the last 3 digits in the microseconds part is always 000.
Note: The special fields UDATE and *DATE contain the job date. These values are not updated when midnight is passed, or when the job date is changed during the running of the program.

For more information, see Information Operations.

Figure 1. TIME Operation
D   Timeres       S               T   TIMFMT(*EUR)
D   Dateres       S               D   DATFMT(*USA)
D   Tstmpres      S               Z
 *  When the TIME operation is processed (with a 6-digit numeric
 *  field), the current time (in the form hhmmss) is placed in the
 *  result field CLOCK.  The TIME operation is based on the 24-hour
 *  clock, for example, 132710.  (In the 12-hour time system, 132710
 *  is 1:27:10 p.m.)
C                   TIME                    Clock             6 0
 *  When the TIME operation is processed (with a 12-digit numeric
 *  field), the current time and day is placed in the result field
 *  TIMSTP.  The first 6 digits are the time, and the last 6 digits
 *  are the date; for example, 093315121579 is 9:33:15 a.m. on
 *  December 15, 1979.
C                   TIME                    TimStp           12 0
C                   MOVEL     TimStp        Time              6 0
C                   MOVE      TimStp        SysDat            6 0
 *  This example duplicates the 12-digit example above but uses a
 *  14-digit field.  The first 6 digits are the time, and the last
 *  8 digits are the date;   for example, 13120001101992
 *  is 1:12:00 p.m. on January 10, 1992.
C                   TIME                    TimStp           14 0
C                   MOVEL     TimStp        Time              6 0
C                   MOVE      TimStp        SysDat            8 0
 *  When the TIME operation is processed with a date field,
 *  the current date is placed in the result field DATERES.
 *  It will have the format of the date field.  In this case
 *  it would be in *USA format ie: D'mm/dd/yyyy'.
C                   TIME                    Dateres
 *  When the TIME operation is processed with a time field,
 *  the current time is placed in the result field TIMERES.
 *  It will have the format of the time field.  In this case
 *  it would be in *EUR format ie: T'hh.mm.ss'.
C                   TIME                    Timeres
 *  When the TIME operation is processed with a timestamp field,
 *  the current timestamp is placed in the result field TSTMPRES.
 *  It will be in *ISO format.
 *  ie: Z'yyyy-mm-dd-hh.mm.ss.mmmmmm'
C                   TIME                    Tstmpres