Examples of the XML-SAX operation

Figure 1. XML-SAX operations in Free-form calculations
D xmlString       S               C    '<?xml version="1.0"> +
D                                      <elem>data</elem>'
D psds            DS
D   xmlRc                       10I 0  OVERLAY(psds:368)
   // The XML is in an IFS file.  The "option" operand of %XML specifies
   // that the document operand is the name of an IFS file.
   XML-SAX %HANDLER(mySaxHandler : myHandlerInfo)
           %XML('/home/myuserid/myxml.xml' : 'doc=file');

   // The XML is in a string.  The "option" operand of %XML is not specified.
   XML-SAX %HANDLER(mySaxHandler : myHandlerInfo) %XML(xmlString);
Figure 2. XML-SAX operations in Fixed-form calculations
C                   XML-SAX   %HANDLER(mySaxHandler : myHandlerInfo)
C                             %XML('/home/myuserid/myxml.xml' : 'doc=file')

C                   XML-SAX   %HANDLER(mySaxHandler : myHandlerInfo)
C                             %XML(xmlString)
Figure 3. A complete working program, illustrating an XML-SAX handling procedure
Fqsysprt   o    f  132        printer

 * The xmlRc subfield will be set to a non-zero value
 * if the XML-SAX operation fails because of an error
 * discovered by the parser

D psds           SDS
D   xmlRc [1]                    10I 0  OVERLAY(psds:368)

D qsysprtDs       DS           132

 * This data structure defines the type for the parameter
 * passed to the SAX handling procedure.
D value_t         S             50A    VARYING
D handlerInfo_t   DS                   QUALIFIED
D                                      BASED(dummy)
D   pValue                        *
D   numAttendees                 5P 0
D   name                               LIKE(value_t)
D   company                            LIKE(value_t)
D   alwExtraAttr                 1N
D   handlingAttrs...
D                                 N

 * Define a specific instance of the handlerInfo_t data
 * structure and the prototype for the handler
D myHandlerInfo   DS                   LIKEDS(handlerInfo_t)
D mySaxHandler    PR            10I 0
D   info                               LIKEDS(handlerInfo_t)
D   event                       10I 0  VALUE
D   stringPtr                     *    VALUE
D   stringLen                   20I 0  VALUE
D   exceptionId                 10I 0  VALUE

        // Start XML parsing
        // Indicate that the handler should not allow
        // any unexpected attributes in the XML elements.
        myHandlerInfo.alwExtraAttr = *OFF; [3]   XML-SAX %HANDLER(mySaxHandler : myHandlerInfo)
                %XML('/home/myuserid/myxml.xml' : 'doc=file');
        // The XML parse completed normally
        // Results are passed back in the communication
        // area specified by the %HANDLER built-in function
        qsysprtDs = 'There are '
                  + %CHAR(myHandlerInfo.numAttendees)
                  + ' attendees.';
     on-error 00351;
        // The XML parse failed with a parser error.
        // The return code from the parser is in the PSDS.
        qsysprtDs = 'XML parser error: rc='
                  + %CHAR(xmlRc)
                  + '.';

     write qsysprt qsysprtDs;
     *inlr = '1';

P mySaxHandler    B
D                 PI            10I 0
D   info                               LIKEDS(handlerInfo_t)
D   event                       10I 0  VALUE
D   stringPtr                     *    VALUE
D   stringLen                   20I 0  VALUE
D   exceptionId                 10I 0  VALUE

D value           S                    LIKE(value_t)
D                                      BASED(info.pValue)

D chars           S          65535A    BASED(stringPtr)
D ucs2            S          16383C    BASED(stringPtr)
D ucs2Len         S             10I 0


    // start parsing
    when event = *XML_START_DOCUMENT; [4]       clear info;

    // start processing an attendee, by indicating
    // that subsequent calls to this procedure should
    // handle XML-attribute events.
    when event = *XML_START_ELEMENT;
      if %subst(chars : 1 : stringLen) = 'attendee';
         info.handlingAttrs = *ON; [5]          info.name = '';
         info.company = '';
         info.numAttendees += 1;

    // display information about the attendee
    when event = *XML_END_ELEMENT;
      if %subst(chars : 1 : stringLen) = 'attendee';
         info.handlingAttrs = *OFF;
         qsysprtDs = 'Attendee '
                   + info.name
                   + ' is from company '
                   + info.company;
         write qsysprt qsysprtDs;

    // prepare to get an attribute value by setting
    // a basing pointer to the address of the correct
    // variable to receive the value
    when event = *XML_ATTR_NAME;
      if info.handlingAttrs;
        if %subst(chars : 1 : stringLen) = 'name';
           info.pValue = %addr(info.name);
        elseif %subst(chars : 1 : stringLen) = 'company';
           info.pValue = %addr(info.company);
           // If the XML element is not expected to have
           // extra attributes, halt the parsing by
           // returning -1.
           if not info.alwExtraAttr;
              qsysprtDs = 'Unexpected attribute '
                        + %subst(chars : 1 : stringLen)
                        + ' found.';
              write qsysprt qsysprtDs;
              return -1; [6]            endif;
           info.pValue = *NULL;
    // handle an exception
    when event = *XML_EXCEPTION;
        qsysprtDs = 'Exception '
                  + %char(exceptionId)
                  + ' occurred.';
        write qsysprt qsysprtDs;
        return exceptionId;


      // If this is an attribute we are interested
      // in, the basing pointer for "value" has been
      // set to point to either "name" or "company"

      // Append each fragment of the value to the
      // current data
      if  info.handlingAttrs
      and info.pValue <> *NULL;
        if event = *XML_ATTR_CHARS
        or event = *XML_ATTR_PREDEF_REF;
           value += %subst(chars : 1 : stringLen);
        elseif event = *XML_ATTR_UCS2_REF;
           ucs2Len = stringLen / 2; [7]     value += %char(%subst(ucs2 : 1 : ucs2Len));

    return 0; [8]  /end-free
P mySaxHandler    E

This example illustrates several features of SAX parsing.

  1. The "External Return Code" subfield of the PSDS, named xmlRc here.
  2. The communication area data structure, used to communicate between the XML-SAX operation and the SAX event-handling procedure.
  3. The XML-SAX operation initiates the parsing of the XML document.
  4. The SAX event-handling procedure compares the event parameter to the special names *XML_START_DOCUMENT etc.
  5. The communication area is also used for the event-handling procedure to communicate with itself between calls.
  6. The event-handling procedure discovers an error and halts the parsing by returning -1.
  7. The *XML_ATTR_UCS2_REF event has UCS-2 data, independent of the CCSID that is normally used to return data for this XML-SAX operation. The length represents the number of bytes in the data, so it must be divided by two to obtain the number of UCS-2 characters.
  8. If the event-handling procedure does not discover any errors, it returns 0, indicating that parsing should continue.

The following sample XML document could be used with this example.

  <attendee name="Jack" company="A&amp;B Electronics"/>
  <attendee company="City&#x2B; Waterworks" name="Jill"/>
  <attendee name="Bill" company="Ace Movers" extra="yes"/>
Figure 4. Removing internal whitespace from XML data
 // The following procedure returns a string that is the same
 // as the input string except that strings of whitespace are
 // converted to a single blank.
P rmvWhiteSpace   b
D rmvWhiteSpace   pi         65535a   varying
D   input                    65535a   varying const
D output          s                   like(input) inz('')

 * x'15'=newline  x'05'=tab     x'0D'=carriage-return
 * x'25'=linefeed x'40'=blank
D whitespaceChr   C                   x'15050D2540'
D c               s              1A
D i               s             10I 0
D inWhitespace    s               N   INZ(*OFF)
      // copy all non-whitespace characters to the return value
      for i = 1 to %len(input);
         c = %subst(input : i : 1);
         if %scan(c : whitespaceChr) > 0;
            // If this is a new set of whitespace, add one blank
            if inWhitespace = *OFF;
               inWhitespace = *ON;
               output += ' ';
            // Not handling whitespace now.  Add character to output
            inWhitespace = *OFF;
            output += c;
      return output;
P rmvWhiteSpace   e

For more information about XML operations, see XML Operations.