Keyed Operations

Start of changeIf you have a null-capable keyfield, you can position to the beginning or end of the file using the SETLL operation with *START or *END.End of change

If you have a null-capable key field, you can search for records containing null values by specifying an indicator in factor 2 of the KFLD operation and setting that indicator on before the keyed input operation. If you do not want a null key to be selected, you set the indicator off.

Start of changeIf factor 2 of a KFLD operation is not specified, then the null-key-byte-map information will be set to zero for that key.End of change

When a record format with null-capable key fields is used on a CHAIN, SETLL, READE, or READPE operation, and a %KDS data structure is used to specify the keys, then the null-key-byte-map information will be taken from the null attributes of the subfields in the data structure specified as the argument of %KDS.

When a record format with null-capable key fields is used on a CHAIN, SETLL, READE, or READPE operation, and a list of keyfields is used, then the null-key-byte-map information will be taken from the null attributes of the specified keys.

Note: When a file without a null-capable key field is processed with a keyed I/O operation, the %NULLIND value for the search argument must be zero; otherwise a data mapping error will occur.

Figure 1 and Figure 2 illustrate how keyed operations are used to position and retrieve records with null keys.

Figure 1. Example of handling null-capable key fields
  // Assume File1 below contains a record Rec1 with a composite key
  // made up of three key fields: Key1, Key2, and Key3.  Key2 and Key3
  // are null-capable.  Key1 is not null-capable.
  // Each key field is two characters long.
FFile1     IF   E             DISK 
  // Define two data structures with the keys for the file
  // Subfields Key2 and Key3 of both data structures will be
  // null-capable.
D Keys            DS                  LIKEREC(Rec1 : *KEY)
D OtherKeys       DS                  LIKEDS(keys) 
  // Define a data structure with the input fields of the file
  // Subfields Key2 and Key3 of the data structures will be
  // null-capable.
D File1Flds       DS                  LIKEREC(Rec1 : *INPUT)
 /free     // The null indicator for Keys.Key2 is ON and the
     // null indicator for Keys.Key3 is OFF, for the
     // SETLL operation below.  File1 will be positioned
     // at the next record that has a key that is equal
     // to or greater than 'AA??CC' (where ?? is used
     // in this example to indicate NULL)

     // Because %NULLIND(Keys.Key2) is ON, the actual content
     // in the search argument Keys.Key2 will be ignored.

     // If a record exists in File1 with 'AA' in Key1, a null
     // Key2, and 'CC' in Key3, %EQUAL(File1) will be true.

     Keys.Key1 = 'AA';
     Keys.Key3 = 'CC';
     %NULLIND(Keys.Key2) = *ON;
     %NULLIND(Keys.Key3) = *OFF;
     SETLL %KDS(Keys) Rec1;   
     // The CHAIN operation below will retrieve a record
     // with 'JJ' in Key1, 'KK' in Key2, and a null Key3.
     // Since %NULLIND(OtherKeys.Key3) is ON, the value of
     // 'XX' in OtherKeys.Key3 will not be used.  This means
     // that if File1 actually has a record with a key
     // 'JJKKXX', that record will not be retrieved.

     OtherKeys.Key3 = 'XX';
     %NULLIND(Keys.Key3) = *ON;
     CHAIN ('JJ' : 'KK' : OtherKeys.Key3) Rec1;  
     // The CHAIN operation below uses a partial key as the
     // search argument.  It will retrieve a record with 'NN'
     // in Key1, a null key2, and any value including a null
     // value in Key3.  The record is retrieved into the
     // File1Flds data structure, which will cause the
     // null flags for File1Flds.Key2 and File1Flds.Key3
     // to be changed by the operation (if the CHAIN
     // finds a record).

     Keys.Key1 = 'NN';
     %NULLIND(Keys.Key2) = *ON;
     CHAIN %KDS(Keys : 2) Rec1 File1Flds;
Figure 2. Example of handling null key fields with KLIST
 * Using the same file as the previous example, define two
 * key lists, one containing three keys and one containing
 * two keys.
 C     Full_Kl       KLIST
 C                   KFLD                    Key1
 C                   KFLD      *IN02         Key2
 C                   KFLD      *IN03         Key3
 C     Partial_Kl    KLIST
 C                   KFLD                    Key1
 C                   KFLD      *IN05         Key2
  * *IN02 is ON and *IN03 is OFF for the SETLL operation below.
  * File1 will be positioned at the next record that has a key
  * that is equal to or greater than 'AA??CC' (where ?? is used
  * in this example to indicate NULL)
  * Because *IN02 is ON, the actual content in the search argument
  * for Key2 will be ignored.
  * If a record exists in File1 with 'AA' in Key1, a null Key2, and
  * 'CC' in Key3, indicator 90 (the Eq indicator) will be set ON.
 C                   MOVE      'AA'          Key1
 C                   MOVE      'CC'          Key3
 C                   EVAL      *IN02 = '1'
 C                   EVAL      *IN03 = '0'
 C     Full_Kl       SETLL     Rec1                                   90
  * The CHAIN operation below will retrieve a record with 'JJ' in Key1,
  * 'KK' in Key2, and a null Key3.  Again, because *IN03 is ON, even
  * if the programmer had moved some value (say 'XX') into the search
  * argument for Key3, 'XX' will not be used.  This means if File1
  * actually has a record with a key 'JJKKXX', that record will not
  * be retrieved.
 C                   MOVE      'JJ'          Key1
 C                   MOVE      'KK'          Key2
 C                   EVAL      *IN02 = '0'
 C                   EVAL      *IN03 = '1'
 C     Full_Kl       CHAIN     Rec1                               80
  * The CHAIN operation below uses a partial key as the search argument.
  * It will retrieve a record with 'NN' in Key1, a null key2, and any
  * value including a null value in Key3.
  * In the database, the NULL value occupies the highest position in
  * the collating sequence.  Assume the keys in File1 are in ascending
  * sequence.  If File1 has a record with 'NN??xx' as key (where ??
  * means NULL and xx means any value other than NULL), that record
  * will be retrieved.  If such a record does not exist in File1, but
  * File1 has a record with 'NN????' as key, the 'NN????' record will
  * be retrieved.  The null flags for Key2 and Key3 will be set ON
  * as a result.
 C                   MOVE      'NN'          Key1
 C                   SETON                                        05
 C     Partial_Kl    CHAIN     Rec1                               70