Exporting process applications to BPMN 2.0

You can export your process applications from the IBM Process Center to a Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) version 2.0 file format, which can be used with products that support the BPMN 2.0 import.

The export to the BPMN 2.0 file format offers only a high-level view of the exported process flow. Data artifacts and semantic details, such as swimlanes, variables, and properties of the exported processes, are not included in the BPMN 2.0 exports.
Important notes:
  • For complete exports, use the IBM® BPM export (.twx) file format. See the Importing and exporting process applications from the Process Center console topic in the related tasks section.
  • BPD (Business process definition) names must not include the colon (:) character.
  • BPD names must not include characters that are not supported in names on the operating system on which the Process Center server is installed.

The following table shows the mapping between IBM Business Process Manager objects and their equivalent elements in the BPMN 2.0 file format, after export. If an object is not included in the table, the object is not exported. All the elements include the name and the description text. The description is included in a Documentation element.

Table 1. Mapping between IBM Business Process Manager objects and BPMN elements after export
IBM Business Process Manager object BPMN element Comments
Business Process Definition Process  
Activity with a Linked Process implementation Call Activity Refers to the called process.
Activity with a Decision Task implementation Business Rule Task  
Activity with a System Task implementation Service Task  
Activity with a Script implementation Script Task  
Activity with a User Task implementation User Task  
Activity with a Subprocess implementation Subprocess Contents are included.
Activity with an Event Subprocess type Subprocess Marked as triggered by an event. Contents are included.
Activity with a None implementation Task  
Event Gateway Event-based Gateway  
Exclusive Gateway Exclusive Gateway  
Inclusive Gateway Inclusive Gateway  
Parallel Gateway Parallel Gateway  
Start Event Start Event  
Message Start Event Message Start Event  
Timer Start Event Timer Start Event  
Error Start Event Error Start Event An Error element with an error code is also created if there is an error code for the event.
AdHoc Start Event Start Event  
None End Event End Event  
Error End Event Error End Event An Error element with an error code is also created if there is an error code for the event.
Message End Event Message End Event  
Terminate End Event Terminate End Event  
Message Intermediate Event (Receiving) Message Intermediate Catch Event  
Message Intermediate Event (Sending) Message Intermediate Throw Event  
Timer Intermediate Event Timer Intermediate Catch Event  
Tracking Intermediate Event Intermediate Catch Event  
Error Event attached to an Activity Error Boundary Event An Error element with an error code is also created if there is an error code for the event.
Message Event attached to an Activity Message Boundary Event  
Timer Event attached to an Activity Timer Boundary Event  
Sequence Flow Sequence Flow  
Note Text Annotation