2.6.1 release notes

Read about enhancements and defect fixes in IBM® Cúram Universal Access with the IBM Universal Access Responsive Web Application.

For more information about compatibility with IBM Cúram Social Program Management (SPM), see Prerequisites and supported software.

For more information about server-side changes, see the SPM release notes (https://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27037963) for your version.

Release notes

Change to SPM logout endpoint

The strategy for user session logout has changed to align with using the SPM REST infrastructure APIs. Now when logging out, the new /logout endpoint is called instead of the old /logout.jsp endpoint.

If you upgrade to an SPM version that supports the new endpoint, SPM 7.0.9 iFix 6 or later, you can configure the new endpoint by using a new REACT_APP_LOGOUT_ENDPOINT environment variable. (6362)

For more information about environment variables, see React environment variable reference.

Checkbox group questions show 'Optional' for mandatory questions

An issue was fixed where Optional was incorrectly shown instead of Required on checkbox group questions that were configured to be mandatory. (5462)