2.4.1 release notes

Read about bug fixes and enhancements to IBM Cúram Universal Access with IBM Universal Access Responsive Web Application 2.4.1.

For information about compatibility with IBM Cúram Social Program Management, see Prerequisites and supported software.

For information about server-side changes, see the IBM Cúram Social Program Management release notes for your version.

The REACT_APP_API_URL environment variable is deprecated

The REACT_APP_API_URL environment variable is now deprecated and you must use REACT_APP_REST_URL instead. In addition to setting the path for REST services for the application, REACT_APP_REST_URL is used by the default Redux modules, and Redux modules that are generated by IBM Social Program Management Web Development Accelerator, to call REST APIs. For more information, see the React environment variable reference. (4163)

Exposing the IEG BaseFormContainer instance to help with customization

Previously, to customize the behavior of the BaseFormContainer, you had to create a copy and modify the copy. Now, you can more easily customize specific functions of BaseFormContainer. A new onRef function provides access to the BaseFormContainer instance and all its methods and properties. For more information, see Customizing script behavior with BaseFormContainer. (4032)

Conditional clusters with expressions that evaluate to false are displayed on IEG summary pages

An issue was fixed where conditional clusters with expressions that evaluated to false were incorrectly displayed on IEG summary pages. (PO08592)(4128)

Width alignment issues on layout with multiple input fields on IEG pages

Input fields with the same layout class are now displayed with the same width regardless of whether they are defined standalone, or within a group by using a container. (PO08591)(4133)

Improved feedback for IEG form input errors

To provide more immediate feedback, a summary of all client validation messages for a page is now displayed at the top of the page, with links to the relevant input fields. To improve accessibility, the summary is read immediately by screen readers. Inline messages for client validation errors are retained to help users find the individual issues. Server messages are summarized but don't have inline messages. (2461).

REST operation /v1/codetables/{table_name} model generation issue

An issue was fixed where the model that was generated by the IBM Social Program Management Web Development Accelerator for /v1/codetables/{table_name} used the incorrect field name items instead of codeItems. (4098)

REST POST operation response with errors not populated

Previously, in some situations the code that was generated by the IBM Social Program Management Web Development Accelerator for POST requests attempted to create a model despite a failed request. This attempt would cause another error and the loss of the error response data. Now, the model is created only if a request is successful and the error response data is available on failure as expected. (4099)