Citizen Engagement support strategy

The Citizen Engagement assets are typically released monthly, and they can be upgraded independently of IBM® Cúram Social Program Management (SPM) . Each release is a full release and not a delta release.

The assets are supported for the lifetime of the latest supported SPM version available at the time of the asset release.

  • The main asset line is released monthly and contains new features, enhancements, security updates, defects, and support for the latest SPM version.

  • IBM Universal Access Responsive Web Application 2.6 continues to be supported with security updates and critical defect fixes for older compatible SPM versions.

Although new features can be delivered in any asset release, they are typically delivered at the same time as the Universal Access application module release that contains the new APIs for those features. Where possible, Universal Access REST API changes are delivered in refresh pack or other impact-free releases that impose no forced upgrade impact.

Semantic versioning

The assets use semantic versioning. As a general guideline, this means:

  • MAJOR version for incompatible API changes
  • MINOR version for adding functionality in a backwards-compatible manner
  • PATCH version for backwards-compatible bug fixes