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Social Program Management Web Development Accelerator

The IBM® Social Program Management Web Development Accelerator is a tool that automatically generates code for application state, such as custom hooks and Redux modules. Select and configure Social Program Management REST APIs and automatically generate all of the hook or module code.

Video icon Click here for a video presentation that gives a deep dive for the Social Program Management Web Development Accelerator.

How it works

  1. Add a module and provide a module name and description.
  2. Click Add API and select and configure the Social Program Management REST APIs that are required for the module.
  3. Select the Store the API response in Redux? checkbox if you want to store the API response in the Redux store. If you select this option, hooks cache the responses of APIs.
  4. Save the module. Your configuration is saved as metadata in a JSON file, which is the only code that you need to source control.
  5. Generate the code. The module and hooks code is generated from the metadata and placed into a specified directory in the project.
  6. Review the generated code in the Code preview tab. The tab contain the following sub-tabs, Hooks, Actions, ActionTypes, Utils, Models, Reducers, and Selectors.
  7. Import the module or hook into your React components.
Note: You don't need to source control the generated code. The code is generated each time that you click Generate in the tool, or when you run npm install, npm run build or npm run wda-generate.