What's new in IBM Cúram Social Program Management solutions in 7.0.5

Some updates have been made to IBM® Cúram Social Program Management solutions in version 7.0.5.

Enhanced income and expense evidence capture process

The way in which income and expense evidence is captured has been enhanced to help caseworkers in situations where they have to enter multiple income and expense records for clients. For example, a caseworker might be presented with four pay stubs for the past month’s earnings, where the caseworker has to enter a record for each stub. Previously, after saving a new evidence record, a caseworker was always returned to the evidence dashboard and had to repeat the following two steps for each evidence record:
  1. Return to the income or expense evidence.
  2. Select the option to create the evidence again.

To improve the caseworker experience, caseworkers can now click Save & New to do the following two actions:

  • Save data that is entered for the first evidence record into the database without dismissing the page.
  • Empty data fields so that data can be entered for a second or subsequent income or expense evidence record.

Because Save & New is displayed on certain income and expense evidence types by default, it eliminates the repetition of steps that were previously required by caseworkers. Where the evidence record is a child evidence record, when caseworkers click Save & New the system displays the first step of the create process. Caseworkers can then select the correct parent to associate with the next child evidence record that they create.

For more information about configuring the associated Save & New property, and how to enable configuration for other evidence types, see General Properties.

Enhanced Add a Member wizard for adding a new household member to a case

Previously, in Income Support and Health Care Reform, when a caseworker used the Add a Member wizard to add a new household member to a case, the caseworker could record the new member as the primary caretaker of an existing household member, but not the other way round. Therefore, the caseworker could not record an existing household member as the primary caretaker or the non-parent caretaker of the new household member. In such situations, caseworkers had to complete extra manual steps to ensure that the correct evidence was captured. If the correct evidence was not captured, eligibility determination might be inaccurate.

Now, when a caseworker uses the Add a Member wizard to add a new member to a case, a caseworker can record whether the new member has a primary caretaker, other than a parent, who is an existing household member.

For more information, see Evidence Management Wizards.

Enhanced process for re-adding a member to a household

In Income Support and Health Care Reform, caseworkers can now use the Re-add a Member function to re-add a member to a household. The Re-add a Member function improves the caseworker experience by reducing the number of steps that are required to re-add a member to a household. Previously, when caseworkers had to re-add members to the household who were originally removed, caseworkers were required to complete specific manual steps within the case that included identifying evidence that required review. The system provided no guidance about the correct process for caseworkers to follow.

By using the Re-add a Member function, the caseworker is guided through the process of re-adding a member to a household in the following two ways:

  • The system automatically creates the evidence that is required to re-establish the member as an active household member. For Insurance Affordability, the required evidence is Application Details evidence. For Income Support, the required evidence is the Household Member evidence.
  • The system indicates the extra evidence that the caseworker needs to review.

For more information, see Re-adding a member to a case in Cúram Income Support for Medical Assistance (Health Care Reform) business overview and Re-adding a member to a case in Cúram Income Support overview.

Enhanced placement functionality for Child Welfare

The placement functionality for Child Welfare has been enhanced to make it easier for caseworkers to record backdated placements, for example, in situations where the child has already entered and left the provider's home. Previously, when caseworkers attempted to record backdated placements, if all of a provider’s places were allocated to current child placements, the providers were not displayed as available for selection by the caseworker, even though places were available during the time period of the backdated placement. Caseworkers then had to complete time-consuming workarounds to enter the correct placement data. The restriction to accurately track child placements impeded data integrity, the system’s usability, and child safety.

With the enhanced placement functionality, caseworkers can use the new End Date/Time picker on the New Placement modal to enter an end date. Caseworkers can now enter a backdated placement that includes a period where at least one place for a provider is available.

The edit placement functionality has also been enhanced so that caseworkers can use the new End Date/Time picker on the Edit Placement modal to add or edit an end date, or time, or both, for an open or closed placement. Caseworkers can reopen a closed placement by clicking Reopen from the placement action menu.

The new End Date/Time picker is a non-mandatory field on both the New Placement and Edit Placement modals. If caseworkers choose not to provide an end date, the existing application continues to behave as expected and the placement remains open until either a new placement is created, or the child is discharged from the removal.

When a placement is manually end-dated by a caseworker, the child is not automatically discharged and the home removal record remains open. In such a scenario, the system displays an alert on the case context panel and also displays an informational message on the placements page to alert the caseworker that an action is required.

Caseworkers can now also remove the discharge date and reopen the home removal record without the system automatically reopening the latest placement. This enhanced functionality reduces automatic reassessment and permits caseworkers to either reopen the latest placement, or to create a new placement.

For more information, see the Removal to Return section in the Overview of Cúram Child Services section.

Enhanced Structured Decision Making® (SDM) Screening Assessment and Response Priority Assessment (RPA) reassessment behavior

The Cúram Child Services Structured Decision Making® (SDM) Screening Assessment and Response Priority Assessment (RPA) reassessment behavior has been enhanced. Previously, when SDM intake workers assessed an RPA that was associated with a screening assessment, the RPA or the Screening Assessment could not be reassessed even though the intake case was not submitted for approval and the status of the case was still open. In cases where allegations or assessments required an update, SDM intake workers and their supervisors had to complete time-consuming workarounds to correct intake information.

SDM intake workers can now reassess either the RPA or the Screening Assessment without the need to create a new intake case. The intake process is enhanced in the following two ways:

  1. SDM intake workers can reassess an RPA by clicking Reassess from the RPA action menu.
  2. SDM intake workers can reassess the Screening Assessment by clicking Delete Assessment from the intake case action menu.

SDM intake workers can click Delete Assessment to delete the existing Screening Assessment, all existing allegations, and all existing RPAs. When SDM intake workers click Delete Assessment, the New Assessment action item is re-enabled and SDM intake workers can start a new Screening Assessment on the intake case.

The new RPA Reassess action item and the Delete Assessment action item remain active while the status of the intake case is open. When the status of the intake case is either submitted or approved, the RPA Reassess action item and the Delete Assessment action item are unavailable.

For more information about Cúram Child Services Structured Decision Making® (SDM) Screening Assessments and Response Priority Assessments (RPA), see the Cúram Child Services with the Structured Decision Making® System PDF document.