Getting started

Evidence is a central component of social programs and services. Use the common developer and administrator questions and the corresponding answers to help you get started.

Before you design evidence, you must consider the specific requirements of your organization. Use the following tables along with those requirements. For more information about designing evidence, see the Designing evidence related link.

I am a developer

Table 1.
I want to... Go to...
Understand what evidence is What is evidence?
Learn how to design evidence Designing evidence
Know whether to use dynamic or static evidence Dynamic and static evidence
Find out how to extract dynamic evidence artefacts so that I can control the source code of the artefacts Dynamic Evidence Configuration Extractor

See how to capture and store person evidence across programs

Person evidence

Understand the difference between evidence correction and evidence succession

How are changes to evidence recorded?
Learn how to share evidence Sharing evidence by using the evidence broker
Understand how evidence is verified How is evidence verified?
Find out how to maintain evidence Maintaining evidence

I am an administrator

Table 2.
I want to... Go to...
Know the difference between a dynamic evidence type and a dynamic evidence type version ../ConfiguringEvidence/DynamicEvidenceConfiguration/c_DYNAMCONFIG_Administration.html
Logically group related attributes about income evidence for a case Creating a dynamic evidence type
Learn about the dynamic evidence lifecylcle Dynamic evidence lifecycle
Share evidence from a source case type to a target case type Creating sharing configurations
Learn how to enable the end dating of previous evidence when creating evidence Enabling the end dating of previous evidence when creating evidence
Learn how to configure multiple participant evidence updates Configuring the multiple participant evidence update
Learn about the security administration of dynamic evidence Security administration
Troubleshoot evidence sharing errors Troubleshooting evidence sharing errors