The XML server

The product XML server is a Java application that processes jobs submitted by a client to produce a formatted document. Each job requires an XML document generated by a IBM® Cúram Social Program Management server application and an XSL template. XSL template is applied to the XML to render it to PDF, RTF, HTML, or plain text.

TheIBM Cúram Social Program Management server application and the XML Server can be hosted on different machines. Multiple XML servers can be run on the same host by specifying different port numbers for each server. Each server can perform a different operation, but can only perform one operation.

You can configure the server, for example, you can define default values for a printer name, printer tray, e-mail address, and user name. The XML Server was primarily designed to support printing of XML documents, however, you can also configure it to perform any required operation on the output document including printing, e-mailing or displaying by specifying a command that should be run against the document data. You can also customize the server , for example you can define implementations that overwrite the default job types, or to define new job types. To improve performance you can use the template cache for templates that are used regularly. In addition, there are debugging features available to assist you in solving problems with templates or XML data.

(which are described in more detail in IBM Cúram Social Program Management XML and XSL templates)