Server: Changing source artifacts

There are many types of server artifacts, some of which are application classes. Some of these artifacts are represented in an application model. Other Java interfaces are "handcrafted". While it is possible to change limited aspects of a modeled interface by changing the model and regenerating code, it is not possible to change a handcrafted interface.

It is important to be able to distinguish between the application implementations of both categories of class.

Modeled interfaces
Appear in the application UML model
Handcrafted interfaces
  • Do not appear in the application UML model
  • Appear in the component directories of your development environment
  • Cannot be customized
  • Contain the @ImplementedBy Google Guice annotation to indicate the application implementation class

Some components can contain interfaces that do not fall into either of these categories, and these interfaces are described in component-specific documentation. Both modeled and handcrafted application interfaces can have implementations that can be customized. You must look at an implemented interface to determine its category.