Performance tuning

View a quick-start and guidelines to tuning IBM® Cúram Social Program Management (SPM) in a production or production-like environment. Learn about the key tuning parameters for a system deployment of SPM, including formulas to use for some parameters and starter values for others.


The following performance tuning tasks are out of scope:

  • Database tuning
  • Operating system tuning
  • Network tuning
  • Disk subsystem tuning
While the starter values are based on experience and are sensible for production, it is unlikely that they are the optimal values for your specific system. You must further tune the starter values during your load testing and production monitoring. Tuning testing might be helpful for evaluating the initial starter values. Tuning tests consist of running short simulations of a workload representative of production volume and hardware to find the optimum tuning values for the system. The production volume might be simulated by using your load test workload. The tests do not normally use think times and need to last only half an hour. During these tests, perform full system monitoring. This type of testing allows a short cycle of test, feedback, and update to tuning parameters. Tuning tests are specialized load tests and are not a direct replacement for load tests. The goal of tuning tests is only to improve the system performance through tuning.