Creating and configuring a z/OS Cloud Broker instance

After you install z/OS® Cloud Broker, you can create an instance of z/OS Cloud Broker by creating a ZosCloudBroker custom resource (CR) in OpenShift® Container Platform. The ZosCloudBroker CR ensures that all of the requirements for running the z/OS Cloud Broker on OpenShift Container Platform are deployed in the specified namespace. You can also view the status of the ZosCloudBroker CR to see updated messages about the overall installation and health of the z/OS Cloud Broker product.

Creating a ZosCloudBroker CR instance

  1. Log in to the OpenShift Container Platform web console, and ensure that you are using the Administrator perspective.
  2. From the navigation, click Operators > Installed Operators.
  3. Click the z/OS Cloud Broker Operator that you installed.
  4. From the operator Details page, click Create Instance of z/OS Cloud Broker.
  5. On the Create ZosCloudBroker page, complete the following fields:
    1. Specify a name.
    2. Define labels for your instance.
    3. Click License to accept the license
    4. Select one of the following log levels:
      • info: logs basic information for z/OS Cloud broker operators
      • debug: logs detailed information for debugging z/OS Cloud broker operators
      • trace: logs low-level information for z/OS Cloud broker operators
    5. Click Create.

When the instance creation completes successfully, the resources required to run a single instance of z/OS Cloud Broker are deployed within OpenShift Container Platform.

Verifying the instance

  1. In your OpenShift Container Platform web console, navigate to the Operators -> Installed Operators page.
  2. Click the z/OS Cloud Broker Operator that you installed.
  3. Switch to the All Instances tab and check the status of the instances. Your instance is ready when you see the Succeeded status.

Configuring a z/OS Cloud Broker instance

The z/OS Cloud Broker instance must be configured in the z/OS Cloud Broker Dashboard to establish a connection to a z/OSMF Cloud Provisioning & Management (CP&M) domain.

A z/OSMF Cloud Provisioning domain administrator must be also be specified so that published z/OSMF software services can be consumed through OpenShift® Container Platform. This z/OSMF administrator must have the domain-administrator role of the z/OSMF Cloud Provisioning domain that is specified during the procedure. For more information about the domain-administrator role, see the z/OSMF Cloud Provisioning & Management Domain Administrator documentation.

After a connection to a z/OSMF endpoint is established, only the Endpoint Name can be changed.

  1. In the Administrator perspective of the OpenShift Container Platform web console, click Operators > Installed Operators > z/OS Cloud Broker Operator > All Instances. Then, click the name of the z/OS Cloud Broker instance that you are configuring.
  2. On the Details page of the z/OS Cloud Broker instance, click the Dashboard URL to open the z/OS Cloud Broker Dashboard.
  3. In the z/OSMF Endpoint Configuration panel, complete the following steps:
    1. Specify an Endpoint Name, which is a logical reference used only by z/OS Cloud Broker.
    2. Enter a Host, which must be a hostname or IP address of your z/OSMF environment.
    3. Enter a Port, which must be the port that z/OSMF listens on.
    4. Enter a Domain, which is a z/OSMF Cloud Provisioning and Management domain. For more information, see z/OSMF Resource Management Domain.
    5. Click Test & Save.
  4. In the z/OSMF Credentials panel, complete the following steps:
    1. Enter the z/OSMF username and password of the domain-administrator for the z/OSMF Cloud Provisioning domain, which you specified in the Domain field earlier in this procedure.
    2. Click Save.
  5. Verify that the z/OS Cloud Broker instance is succesfully configured:
    1. In the OpenShift Container Platform web console, click Operators > Installed Operators > z/OS Cloud Broker Operator.
    2. Click the z/OSMF Catalog page. If the z/OS Cloud Broker instance is succesfully configured, a resource of kind ZosmfCatalog is listed, and the status for the resource is Succeeded.


The ZosmfCatalog resource is created automatically. This resource is an internal custom controller for communicating to z/OSMF. The resource also creates "sub-operators", which are so called because they are created by the z/OS Cloud Broker operator, for of all templates that are found in the specified z/OSMF CP&M domain. To see a list of the sub-operators, click Operators > Installed Operators in the Administrator perspective of the OpenShift Container Platform web console.

Next step

See Using z/OS services on OpenShift Container Platform to create z/OS service instances and to start using the instances.