New SQLJ File wizard - SQLJ File page

Use this page to specify the name of the new SQLJ file and the package in which to store the file. You can also select whether to use a template to generate the Java™ class in the new file.
Source Folder
The name of the project folder in which to store the new SQLJ file and its associated serialized SQLJ profile file and Java file.
The name of the project package in which to store the Java file that is generated from the new SQLJ file. To select a package name, click Browse. If you leave this field blank, the SQLJ file will be stored in the default package.
The name of the class to create. The name can be any Java identifier. By convention, Java class names begin with a capital letter.
Generate a class using selected template
Generates the class by using the code in a predefined template that was generated with Java Emitter Templates (JET).
The template to use to generate the class in the SQLJ file.
Generate a simple class skeleton without using a template
Creates a simple SQLJ file that contains only the following lines of code (including blank lines):
import java.sql.*;
import sqlj.runtime.ref.*;

public class specified_class_name{

The full path and file name of the JAR file that contains the SQLJ class library that implements SQLJ translation support. To select from the file system, click Browse.
Set advanced project properties
If this check box is selected, you can specify optional SQLJ support properties for the project on the next page of the wizard.
