Helm chart parameters for Watson Explorer oneWEX on IBM Cloud Private (version 12.0.2 and later)

The Helm chart parameters for Watson™ Explorer oneWEX on IBM Cloud Private are described here. These parameters apply to versions 12.0.2 and later.

General parameters

Table 1. General parameters
Parameter Description Default value
Initialization: Skip chown Flag to skip running chown on the Persistent Volumes. Set this value to true if chown is not permitted on the Persistent Volumes. false
External port Port where Watson Explorer is exposed like https://<externalIP>:<externalPort>. Change the port number when multiple instances will be deployed. See Notes of instance for detail. 30443
Dynamic Provisioning Flag to create persistent volumes by dynamic provisioning. Set this value to true if dynamic provisioning is enabled on your cluster and you want to create persistent volume by dynamic provisioning. true
Storage class name Class name of persistent volumes. If this value is empty, default storage class name is used. <empty>
Name of the additional label Additional label for persistent volumes. Set a value when multiple instances will be deployed. <empty>
Value of the additional label Value of additional label for persistent volumes. Set a value when multiple instances will be deployed. <empty>
User volume Mount user volume (e.g. for File system crawler). Set this value to true when you want to use File system crawler. false
Service Account name Service account name to run the Pods. default

Persistence parameters

Table 2. Persistence parameters
Service name Parameter Description Default value
Orchestrator Storage size Storage size of home data store. 100Gi
Config Storage size Storage size of configuration store. 10Gi
Discovery Storage size Storage size of index data store. 100Gi
Discovery Storage size for log storage Storage size for discovery log store 10Gi
HDP Storage size for log storage Storage size for log store. 10Gi
HDP Storage size for name node Storage size for name node. 10Gi
HDP Storage size for worker node Storage size for worker node. 100Gi

Resources parameters

In each service, request for CPU/memory and limit of memory can be configured. Change values of "Request for CPU", "Request for memory" and "Limit of memory". For more information, see Assign CPU Resources to Containers and Pods

Replicas parameters

Some services have the option to have several instance of the same service running for high availability and performance. For more information, see Product and system architecture overview for Watson Explorer oneWEX on IBM Cloud Private.

Table 3. Replicas parameters
Service name Replicas Description
Gateway 2 Web UI and REST API services.
NLP 1 Realtime Natural Language Processing services.
Config 3 Configuration management services. An odd number (e.g. 3) is acceptable.
Discovery 1 Exploration and Discovery services.
HDP worker 2 Machine Learning and Data Enrichments services.
Ingestion 1 Ingestion services.

AntiAffinity parameters

Gateway, Config, Discovery, Natural Language Processing and HDP worker parameters have an AntiAffinity parameter. Its values are described below.

Tries to create the pods on nodes but not to co-locate them, but it will not guaranteed.
Tries to create the pods on nodes but not to co-locate them, and will not create the pods in case of co-location. The number of nodes must be greater than largest number of replicas of the services.

Other parameters

Table 4. Other parameters
Service name Parameter Description Default value
Config Number of minimum available Pod Minimum number of available Config pod. Set the value to the same number as Number of replicas for stability or a smaller number for your customization. 3
Discovery Number of minimum available Pod Minimum number of available Discovery pod. Set the value to the same number as Number of replicas for stability. 1
NLP Number of minimum available Pod Minimum number of available Natural Language Processing Pod.. 1
Ingestion Number of minimum available Pod Minimum number of available ingestion pod. Set the value to the same number as Number of replicas for stability. 1
HDP Number of replicas of saved data Number of replicas of data saved on HDP name node and HDP worker pods. Set the value to a number greater than or equal to 2 to avoid data loss. 2
HDP Available memory of HDP worker process Memory size used by a task executed on HDP worker. 4096
HDP Available CPU cores of HDP worker process Number of CPU cores used by a task executed on HDP worker. 8
Ingestion Label name of user volume Label assigned to volume used for File system crawler. Set the value to a label of PV you created to crawl user data. wex-userdata
Ingestion Number of Crawler instances Number of crawler process executed in an ingestion pod. 3