Blacklisting OneDrive URLs From Search Results

About this task

If there are OneDrive sites you do not wish to be displayed in search results, you can specify their URLs in the seed configuration screen. This would typically be done to exclude sensitive OneDrive site(s) after the URLs for such sites have already been indexed by the OneDrive for Business connector.

To configure the OneDrive for Business connector to not crawl certain URLs, do the following:


  1. Select the Configuration tab for your search collection. Additional subtabs display.
  2. From the tabbed sub-menu, select the Searching tab.
  3. Click the edit button.
  4. Select the expansion arrow next to the Blacklisted URLs section. A panel with two text area boxes displays. The top text area is labeled Wildcards and the bottom box area is labeled Regular Expressions.
  5. In the Wildcards text area, enter a list of URLs that should not be crawled. Alternatively, you can choose to omit URLs that match a defined Regular Expression by adding that regular expression in the bottom text area.
  6. Click OK/Apply.


The OneDrive for Business connector will no longer return search results matching the domain criteria or regular expressions specified in the Blacklisted URLs configuration panel of your Watson™ Explorer Engine search collection.