Continuous Update Options

This section provides the following configuration options:
Important: For Continuous Update mode, when there are new OneDrive for Business site collections, you must do a full refresh, so that the connector can pick up the changes.
  • Run in continuous update mode (optional) - When enabled, the connector will periodically poll OneDrive for changes. When this option is enabled, the crawler is configured with an infinite maximum idle time.
  • Update interval (optional) - The amount of time that the connector waits before checking OneDrive for new updates (when running in continuous update mode).
  • Content Update Priority (optional) - The priority to assign to content updates. A higher number indicates a higher priority. By default content updates are given a higher priority, as security updates can cause a lot of content to be updated and may delay when content updates are processed.
  • Security Update Priority (optional) - The priority to assign to security updates. A higher number indicates a higher priority. By default content updates are given a higher priority, as security updates can cause a lot of content to be updated and my delay when content updates are processed.