Identity management for single sign-on security

You can use the identity management APIs to create a single sign-on system that manages the multiple identities of users and to automatically generate the security context strings of users. IDs can be reused on subsequent searches without users logging on multiple times.

How the identity management component works

With the identity management Java™ APIs, you can create an application to manage the security credentials of your users. The following graphic shows how users log in to a system such as WebSphere Portal and authenticate with the registry.

Figure 1. How users log in to WebSphere Portal or other systems
This graphic shows how users interact with the search system and how the identity management component processes these users. This process is explained in the surrounding text.

When users attempt to access an application, the identity management component repeats the process of authenticating those users.

Sample code and Java APIs

You can access a sample Java program and Javadoc documentation for the identity management in the following locations:
A standalone sample program that is available in the ES_INSTALL_ROOT/samples/siapi directory. You can build this code by running the ANT command.
Javadoc documentation
Provides descriptions of the available APIs to build identity management into your enterprise search applications. The Javadoc documentation is in the ES_INSTALL_ROOT/docs/api/imc directory.

Running the sample application

To run the Java sample program, make sure that you have the following JAR files in your class path:
  • esapi.jar
  • siapi.jar
  • es.oss.jar

To run the sample program, enter the following command on a single command line.

java –classpath $ES_INSTALL_ROOT\lib\esapi.jar;$ES_INSTALL_ROOT\lib\siapi.jar;$ES_INSTALL_ROOT\lib\;. IdentityManagementExample
AIX® or Linux®
java –classpath $ES_INSTALL_ROOT/lib/esapi.jar:$ES_INSTALL_ROOT/lib/siapi.jar:$ES_INSTALL_ROOT/lib/ IdentityManagementExample