Content of the computer.yml file (disconnected scenario)

9.2.5 Available from 9.2.5.

The computer.yml file contains information about computers that are scanned with the disconnected scanner. It is used to catalog scan results and correctly display them in the user interface of License Metric Tool.

9.2.25 Starting from application update 9.2.25, the file is recreated during every capacity scan to ensure that changes of IP addresses or host names are captured.

Content of the computer.yml file

Important: Do not change values in the computer.yml file. If any value is incorrect, contact IBM support.
Table 1. Content of the computer.yml file.
Attribute Mandatory Description
endpointID Yes Unique ID of the computer in the following format.
  • IBM i Hardware serial number and LPAR ID in the <hardware_serial>:<LPAR_ID> format. For example, 6552CFF:5.
  • UNIX Host name, and epoch time (number of seconds from 1970) in the <host_name>-<epoch_time> format. For example, hostnameXYZ-1591025830.
  • Windows Host name, machine GUID, and epoch time (number of seconds from 1970) in the <host_name>-<machine_GUID>-<epoch_time> format. For example, hostnameXYZ-HW123456-1591025830.

By default, the endpointID is not shown in the License Metric Tool user interface. To show this information, add the endpointID as a custom computer property. For more information, see: Collecting custom computer properties with disconnected scanner (disconnected scenario).

Agent Version No Version of the disconnected scanner. It can be different from the version of the License Metric Tool server. However, best practice is to always use the latest version of the scanner that is delivered with the latest version of the License Metric Tool server.
Catalog Version No Version of the software catalog separated with a dot (.). For example, 1250110.0.
Operating System Yes Operating system.
Computer Name Yes Name of the computer.
DNS Name No Domain name of the computer.
IP Address No IP address of the computer.
vmmanagerPresent Yes Specifies whether the disconnected VM Manager Tool is installed on the computer.

Adding custom properties to the computer.yml file

Note: Starting from application update 9.2.25, adding custom properties to the computer.yml file is no longer supported. Instead, custom properties should be defined in the computer_properties.yml file. For more information, see: Collecting custom computer properties with disconnected scanner (disconnected scenario). Computer properties that you defined in the computer.yml file in earlier application updates are still imported to License Metric Tool.
If you added a custom property in License Metric Tool, you can add this property to the computer.yml file so that it is collected from the disconnected computers. For example:
endpointID: QROHJA87-a9f53ddc
Agent Version:
Catalog Version: 0.0
Computer Name: QROHJA87
Operating System: Windows 10
IP Address:
vmmanagerPresent: true
<custom_property>: <value>
When the computer.yml file is imported to License Metric Tool, the custom property is displayed on the reports. You can use it to filter and sort data on the reports.