Advanced server settings

Available from 9.2.3.

Review to the list of parameters that you can use to configure the License Metric Tool server. You can change the parameters on the Advanced Server Settings panel or through REST API.

To open the panel, go to Management > Advanced Server Settings. If the panel is not available in the menu, go to the following URL: https://hostname:port/management/sam/control_values. For information how to change the settings through REST API, see: Configuring advanced server settings.
Table 1. Server settings
Name & Parameter Type Default Minimum Maximum
  • Name: Account lockout: enable account lockout
  • Parameter: user_lockout_enabled
Specifies whether exceeding the specified number of failed login attempts locks the user account.
  • Name: Account lockout: lockout period
  • Parameter: user_lockout_length
Minutes 5 1 60
Specifies the period for which a user cannot log in to the application after exceeding the maximal number of failed login attempts.
  • Name: Account lockout: login attempts period
  • Parameter: user_retry_time_period
Minutes 5 1 60
Specifies the period during which the user can try to log in to the application. When the maximal number of failed login attempts is exceeded within this period, the account is locked.
  • Name: Account lockout: maximal number of failed login attempts
  • Parameter: user_max_login_retries
Integer 10 2 128
Specifies the maximum number of failed login attempts after which the user account is locked.
  • Name: Allow using API token in the URL string
  • Parameter: api_token_in_url_enabled
Boolean True    
Specifies whether you can provide the API token in the URL string when you make a REST API request. If the parameter is set to true, you can provide the API token in the URL string or in the HTTP request header. If the parameter is set to false, you can provide the API token only in the HTTP request header which is the recommended option.
  • Name: Automatically decommission inactive computers
  • Parameter: decommission_inactive_computers
Boolean 9.2.34 True

Previously: False

Enables the option to automatically remove inactive computers from License Metric Tool after the period defined in the max_data_visibility_for_inactive_computers parameter. This option is disabled by default.

9.2.24 Starting from application update 9.2.24, the parameter is also applicable to computers with the disconnected scanner.

  • Name: Automatically delete the scan results after the successful import from the disconnected data source
  • Parameter: delete_successfully_imported_scans
Boolean True    
Enables the option to automatically remove the scan results after they are successfully imported from the disconnected data source. After you set this option to true, automatic removal is applied after each subsequent import of data. You can manually remove any remaining files, such as older scan results or files that are skipped. The option is useful especially when you handle many scan results packages. The removal does not affect the report data and the scan results are included in the reports.
  • Name: CSV report separator
  • Parameter: csvReportSeparator
Character Comma (,)    
Specifies the character that is used as a line separator during the creation of CSV files.
  • Name: Calculate metric consumption for incomplete computers
  • Parameter: calculateLicenseUsageForIncompleteComputers
Specifies how PVU consumption on x86 virtual machines that have incomplete data is counted. If set to true, PVU consumption is counted based on the number of PVUs on the host. In this case, the reported PVU consumption might be higher than the real value, but configuration of VM managers is not required. If set to false, the reported PVU consumption is 0, and VM managers must be configured.
  • Name: Computer approaching detachment from VM manager
  • Parameter: vmManagerDetachmentNotificationPeriod
Days 3 1 90
Specifies the maximum idle time after which data from the VM manager is considered to be outdated. After that time, the computer status changes to Outdated VM Manager Data. The value should be lower than the value of the vmManagerDetachmentPeriod parameter.
  • Name: Computer detachment from VM manager
  • Parameter:
    • 9.2.8 vmManagerDetachmentPeriod
    • Previously: computerVmManagerDetachmentPeriod
Days 9.2.10 30

Previously: 7

1 90
Specifies the maximum idle time after which a guest computer or a host computer is considered to be detached from the VM manager. After that time, the computer status changes to No VM Manager Data. The data that is sent by an agent is not augmented by the data that is retrieved from the VM manager.

9.2.8 Starting from application update 9.2.8, if the host is a part of a cluster, it is also disconnected from that cluster.

The value of this parameter should be greater than the value of the vmManagerDetachmentNotificationPeriod parameter.

  • Name: Deploy tasks automatically
  • Parameter: enable_automatic_task_deployment
Specifies whether tasks initiated by the License Metric Tool server are automatically deployed to the BigFix® server. The tasks include:
  • Configuration of scan frequency and schedule on the Scan Configurations panel.
  • Automatic configuration of the fixlet site on the BigFix server that is added as a new data source.
  • Installation and configuration of the main VM Manager Tool on the BigFix server that is added as a new data source.
The option is enabled by default which is the recommended setting.
Warning: If you disable the automatic deployment of tasks, you need to perform a number of manual tasks to ensure that the data needed by License Metric Tool is collected and that proper values are displayed on the reports.
  • Name: Display data from partial imports
  • Parameter: allow_partial_data_view
Important: Use this parameter only when you are requested by IBM Support.

Enables displaying data from the last import regardless of whether the import was successful or partial. It might cause inconsistency or lack of results on some reports. By default, the parameter is disabled and only data from successful imports is displayed. To enable this parameter, first enable the enable partial imports parameter.

  • Name: Enable computers reconciliation
  • Parameter: computer_reconciliation_mode
9.2.33 True
Previously: False

Enable computer reconciliation to avoid duplicating computers in License Metric Tool. After you enable computer reconciliation, a new computer that has the same computer name and IP address or addresses as a computer that already exists in License Metric Tool is treated as the same computer even if its old and new BigFix IDs or endpoint IDs differ.

For more information, see: Computer reconciliation mode.

  • Name: Enable debug level logging during data imports
  • Parameter: debug_logging_for_imports
Specifies whether import logs contain debug level information. When the parameter is set to false, the default logging level is used.
  • Name: Enable the interactive tutorial
  • Parameter: interactive_tutorial_enabled
Specifies whether the interactive tutorial that guides the user through the product is enabled. To disable the tutorial, change the value of the parameter to False.
You can additionally remove the folder with the tutorial content. To do this, go to the computer on which the License Metric Tool server is installed and remove the following folder.
  • Linux <server_install_dir>/wlp/usr/servers/server1/apps/tema.war/walkme
  • Windows <server_install_dir>\wlp\usr\servers\server1\apps\tema.war\walkme
However, the folder is recreated after the upgrade of the License Metric Tool server.
  • Name: Enable partial imports of data
  • Parameter: enable_partial_imports
Enables skipping certain steps during the import of data. The import continues even if these steps fail. When the import finishes, it is marked as partial because only data from successfully completed steps is processed.
  • Name: Enabled schema next feature
  • Parameter: schema_next
Optimizes the process of importing data from BigFix. The option is available for BigFix 9.5.5 and higher. If you upgraded the BigFix server from earlier versions, run at least one import of data before you enable the optimization to ensure data consistency.
  • Name: Expose deprecated API
  • Parameter: expose_deprecated_api
Specifies whether the License Metric Tool server exposes the deprecated REST API. The change of this parameter takes effect after the License Metric Tool server restart. For more information, see: Deprecated REST APIs.
  • Name: Include report name in email alerts
  • Parameter: include_report_name_in_mail_alerts
Specifies whether report name is included in the title of the alert email. The option is enabled by default.
  • Name: Location of temporary application files
  • Parameter: tempPathForGeneratedFiles
Path Period (.)    
Specifies the path to the folder where temporary application files, such as the CSV reports during generation, are stored. The default value indicates that the files are created in the following location:
  • Linux install_dir/wlp/usr/servers/server1
  • Windows install_dir\wlp\usr\servers\server1
  • Name: Maximum age of an import log file
  • Parameter: maxLogFilesAge
Days 90 0 999
Specifies the maximum age of an import log file in days. Files that are older are deleted during the import. To disable the limit, change the value of the parameter to 0.
  • Name: Maximum number of aggregation threads
  • Parameter: maxAggregationThreads
Number 2 1 64
Important: Change the setting only if you created computer groups to comply with IBM subcapacity regions or if you are a service provider and created computer groups that represent your customers. Otherwise, changing this parameter has no impact on aggregation performance.
Specifies the maximum number of threads that can be run during the aggregation. If you increase their number, performance of aggregation improves. However, memory usage and database locking increase. You should provide two processor cores on the database server for each thread.
  • Name: Maximum number of import threads
  • Parameter: numberOfImportThreads
Number 0 0 32
Specifies the maximum number of threads that are used to process capacity scan data and VM manager scan data during the import of data from the BigFix server.
Tip: In environments with over 10000 endpoints that are running on high-performance machines, it can be beneficial to increase the number of threads to speed up the import.
  • Name: Maximum number of processed license metric files
  • Parameter: maximumNumberOfLicenseUseMetricFiles
Number -1 -1 2147483647
Specifies the maximum number of license metric tag files that can be processed during an import. The oldest unprocessed files are processed in the first place. Then, the specified number of newer files is consecutively processed with every import. The value -1 indicates that all files are processed in a single import.
  • Name: Maximum number of reaggregation threads
  • Parameter: maxReaggregationThreads
Number 4 1 64
Important: Change the setting only if you created computer groups to comply with IBM subcapacity regions or if you are a service provider and created computer groups that represent your customers. Otherwise, changing this parameter has no impact on reaggregation performance.
Specifies the maximum number of threads that can be run during reaggregation. If you increase their number, performance of reaggregation improves. However, memory usage and database locking increase. You should provide two processor cores on the database server for each thread.
  • Name: Maximum number of rows exported to PDF
  • Parameter: pdfReportRowLimit
Number 100 000 0 2147483647
Specifies the maximum number of rows that can be exported to a PDF file. If the number of rows in the report is larger than the specified limit, appropriate information is provided in the generated PDF file.
Important: When you generate reports with over 100 000 rows, problems like Java exceptions and timeouts might occur.
  • Name: Maximum number of rows in REST API for raw scan results
  • Parameter: raw_data_api_default_limit
Number 100 000 0 2147483647
Specifies the maximum number of rows to be retrieved in a single request when using REST API for retrieving raw scan results. This parameter applies only if the REST API limit parameter, which always takes precedence, is omitted in the request. The default value is 100 000. 0 indicates that all rows are retrieved.
  • Name: Maximum number of rows to select on the Software Classification report
  • Parameter: selectAllLimit
Number 250000 0 500000
Specifies the maximum number of rows that can be selected at once on the Software Classification report.
  • Name: Maximum size of an import log file
  • Parameter: maxLogFileSize
MB 1024 0 10240
Specifies the maximum size of a single import log file in MB. After the limit is reached, a new log file is created. To disable the limit, change the value of the parameter to 0.
  • Name: Maximum visibility of data for inactive computers
  • Parameter: max_data_visibility_for_inactive_computers
Days 90 1 1000
Specifies the number of days after which the data from the inactive computer no longer influences metric calculation and is not visible in License Metric Tool. To enable this feature change the decommission_inactive_computers parameter to true.

9.2.24 Starting from application update 9.2.24, the parameter is also applicable to computers with the disconnected scanner.

  • Name: Maximum VM manager inactivity
  • Parameter: maxVMManagerInactivity
Days 3 1 90
Specifies the maximum time after which a VM manager is considered inactive if the server receives no new data from this VM manager. After that time, the status of the VM manager changes to Inactive.
  • Name: Maximum VM manager visibility
  • Parameter: maxVMManagerVisibility
Days 90 1 2147483647
Specifies the number of days after which a VM manager is removed from the VM Managers panel if no data is collected from that VM manager.
  • Name: Notification about delayed upload of data
  • Parameter: computer_health_delayed_data_config
Days 10 1 365
Specifies the number of days after which the Delayed Data Upload status is displayed for a computer from which no new data was uploaded to the License Metric Tool server. The status is displayed for a computer for which the Last Seen date is older than the current date minus the value of this parameter.

After you change the value of this parameter, run an import to refresh data that is displayed on the Dashboard.

  • Name: Notification about delayed upload of data from disconnected computers
  • Parameter: computer_health_delayed_data_config_disconnected
Days 10 1 365
Specifies the number of days after which the Delayed Data Upload status is displayed for a disconnected computer from which no new data was uploaded to the License Metric Tool server. The status is displayed for a disconnected computer for which the Last Seen date (the date of the last disconnected scanner package that was imported) is older than the current date minus the value of this parameter.

After you change the value of this parameter, run an import to refresh data that is displayed on the Dashboard.

  • Name: Notification about missing results of the software scan
  • Parameter: computer_health_missing_software_scan_config
Days 40 1 365
Specifies the number of days after which the Missing Software Scan status is displayed because the software scan was not successfully run on a computer.

After you change the value of this parameter, run an import to refresh data that is displayed on the Dashboard.

  • Name: Notification about missing results of the software scan from disconnected computers
  • Parameter: computer_health_missing_software_scan_config_disconnected
Days 40 1 365
Specifies the number of days after which the Missing Software Scan status is displayed because the software scan was not successfully run on a disconnected computer.

After you change the value of this parameter, run an import to refresh data that is displayed on the Dashboard.

  • Name: Notification about old scanner version
  • Parameter: computer_health_obsolete_scanner_config
Integer 9.2.30 8

Previously: 4

1 9.2.30 16

Previously: 8

Specifies the number of releases after which the scanner is considered old when compared to your current version of the License Metric Tool server and the Old Scanner Versions status is displayed.

For example, if you use the License Metric Tool server in version 9.2.21, the status is by default displayed for computers on which the scanner is older than

After you change the value of this parameter, run an import to refresh data that is displayed on the Dashboard.

  • Name: Notification about old disconnected scanner version
  • Parameter: computer_health_obsolete_scanner_config_disconnected
Integer 4 1 8
Specifies the number of releases after which the disconnected scanner is considered old when compared to your current version of the License Metric Tool server and the Old Scanner Versions status is displayed.

For example, if you use the License Metric Tool server in version 9.2.21, the status is by default displayed for computers on which the scanner is older than

After you change the value of this parameter, run an import to refresh data that is displayed on the Dashboard.

  • Name: Notification about outdated results of the capacity scan
  • Parameter: computer_health_outdated_capacity_config
Hours 12 1 720
Specifies the number of hours after which the Outdated Capacity Scan status is displayed because the capacity scan was not successfully run on a computer. According to the subcapacity counting rules, the capacity scan must run every 30 minutes.

After you change the value of this parameter, run an import to refresh data that is displayed on the Dashboard.

  • Name: Notification about outdated results of the capacity scan from disconnected computers
  • Parameter: computer_health_outdated_capacity_config_disconnected
Hours 12 1 720
Specifies the number of hours after which the Outdated Capacity Scan status is displayed because the capacity scan was not successfully run on a disconnected computer. According to the subcapacity counting rules, the capacity scan must run every 30 minutes.

After you change the value of this parameter, run an import to refresh data that is displayed on the Dashboard.

  • Name: Number of days to count Microsoft Windows Server metrics after VM migration
  • Parameter: historical_period_for_microsoft_metrics
Days 90 0 180
Specifies the number of days for which data from a VM contributes to metric calculation of Microsoft Windows Server after the VM is moved to a different host. Run an import after you change the value of this parameter to recalculate the data.
  • Name: Number of days to keep the removed raw scan results
  • Parameter: raw_data_api_history_keep_days
Days 7 -1 30
Specifies the number of days after which historical raw scan data is removed from the database. The data was used to discover software but cannot be used for this purpose again. The data is no longer needed and can be safely removed from the database without any impact on the reports.

Set the value of the parameter to 0 to remove the data after every successful import. You can set it to -1 to never remove the data. However, such a setting is not recommended as it can generate lots of unnecessary data that impacts application performance.

Note: Starting from application update 9.2.33, package data scan is not performed. The parameter is not present. Raw scan results are removed after every successful import.
  • Name: (Currently not used) Number of days to keep internal application data
  • Parameter: pruning_days_to_keep
Days 0 -1 2147483647
Specifies the number of days after which internal data that is used by the application is removed from the database. The data is not displayed on any reports and can be safely removed from the database.

Set the value of the parameter to 0 to remove the data after every successful import. You can set it to -1 to never remove the data. However, such a setting is not recommended as it can generate lots of unnecessary data that impacts application performance.

  • Name: Optimized shared disks scan: CPU threshold
  • Parameter: autoscan_shared_disks_cpu_threshold
Integer 0 0 100
Limits the amount of processor resources that the scanner consumes during the optimized scan of shared disks. By default, the option is set to 0 which means that the limit is disabled.
  • Name: Optimized shared disks scan: enable
  • Parameter: autoscan_shared_disks_enable
Enables optimized scan of shared disks. When the option is enabled, scanning of shared disks is automated. As a result, the following actions are performed automatically:
  • Computers are designated to scan shared disks that exist in your infrastructure
  • Software scans are scheduled on the designated computers
  • New computers are designated if problems occur with scanning the initially designated computers
The option is disabled by default. For more information, see: Discovering software on shared disks (BigFix scenario).
  • Name: Optimized shared disks scan: maximum inactivity time
  • Parameter: max_inactivity_of_designated_shared_disk_scanner
Days 14 1 365
Specifies the maximum time after which a computer that is designated to scan a shared disk and which already provided scan results is considered inactive. After that time, a new computer is automatically designated to scan the shared disk.
  • Name: Optimized shared disks scan: maximum waiting time
  • Parameter: max_waiting_for_share_disk_scan_
Days 7 1 90
Specifies the maximum time to wait for the first results of the shared disk scan performed by a newly designated computer. If no results are collected for this period, a new computer is automatically designated to scan the shared disk.
  • Name: Optimized shared disks scan: scan interval
  • Parameter: autoscan_shared_disks_scan_interval_days
Days 7 1 30
Specifies the frequency of the optimized software scan on shared disks.
  • Name: Preserve Initiate Software Scan actions on the BigFix server
  • Parameter: scanConfig_preserve_InitiateScanAction
Specifies whether Initiate Software Scan actions that are created on the BigFix server are preserved when the scan configuration is deleted on the Scan Configurations panel. If you set the value of this parameter to true, the actions are stopped but are not removed from the BigFix server.
  • Name: Re-synchronize datasources after database restoration
  • Parameter: resynchronize_datasources_once
Enables an import that retrieves all software scan data from the restored BigFix database. Such an import is time-consuming and should be run only when problems with incomplete data occur after the database is restored. When you enable the option, the import runs once and returns to the normal operation mode.
  • Name: Red Hat® Marketplace: Connection timeout
  • Parameter: rhm_connection_timeout
Seconds 30 1 600
Specifies the maximum number of seconds to wait for establishing the connection to Red Hat Marketplace.
  • Name: Red Hat Marketplace: License Metric Tool instance identifier
  • Parameter: rhm_lmt_instance_identifier
Specifies how the licensing data exported to Red Hat Marketplace is marked in Red Hat Marketplace. If you change this value after you export any data to Red Hat Marketplace, new data is treated as coming from a different instance of License Metric Tool. Thus, you are not able to overwrite data that has already been exported. The default value of this parameter is the host name of the computer on which the License Metric Tool server is installed.
  • Name: Red Hat Marketplace: Maximum number of retries in case of failure
  • Parameter: rhm_max_number_of_retries
Integer 0 0 3
Specifies the maximum number of retries when problems with exporting data to Red Hat Marketplace occur.
  • Name: Red Hat Marketplace: Metering API address
  • Parameter: rhm_metering_api_url
Specifies the address to the Red Hat Marketplace API. To verify whether the default API address is still valid, visit the Red Hat Marketplace website. The default value is

The parameter is removed in application update 9.2.29 and substituted with the rhm_url parameter.

  • Name: Red Hat Marketplace: Web address
  • Parameter: rhm_url
Specifies the address to IBM Software Central or Red Hat Marketplace. The default value is
  • Name: Red Hat Marketplace: Number of threads for exporting data
  • Parameter: rhm_number_of_export_threads
Integer 5 1 20
Specifies the number of threads that are used to export data to Red Hat Marketplace. If you increase the value, the export might speed up. However, it consumes more CPU and RAM resources.
  • Name: Red Hat Marketplace: Proxy server address
  • Parameter: rhm_proxy_address
Specifies the address of the proxy server to be used to export data to Red Hat Marketplace. Specify it only when the License Metric Tool server does not have a direct connection to Red Hat Marketplace metering API. The default value is an empty string, which indicates that the proxy server is not required.
  • Name: Red Hat Marketplace: Proxy server password
  • Parameter: rhm_proxy_password
Specifies the password to be used to authenticate on the proxy server when exporting data to Red Hat Marketplace. Specify it only when you want to use a proxy server to export data to Red Hat Marketplace and the proxy server requires authentication. The default value is an empty string, which indicates that no authentication is required on the proxy server.

By default, basic authentication that is based on user and password is disabled for security reasons. You need to explicitly allow for using it. For more information, see: Uploading license usage data to IBM Software Central and Red Hat Marketplace.

  • Name: Red Hat Marketplace: Proxy server port
  • Parameter: rhm_proxy_port
Integer 0 0 65535
Specifies the port of the proxy server to be used to export data to Red Hat Marketplace. Specify it only when the License Metric Tool server does not have a direct connection to Red Hat Marketplace metering API. The default value is 0, which indicates that the proxy server is not required.
  • Name: Red Hat Marketplace: Proxy server user
  • Parameter: rhm_proxy_user
Specifies the user name to be used to authenticate on the proxy server when exporting data to Red Hat Marketplace. Specify it only when you want to use a proxy server to export data to Red Hat Marketplace and the proxy server requires authentication. The default value is an empty string, which indicates that no authentication is required on the proxy server.

By default, basic authentication that is based on user and password is disabled for security reasons. You need to explicitly allow for using it. For more information, see: Uploading license usage data to IBM Software Central and Red Hat Marketplace.

  • Name: Red Hat Marketplace: Read timeout
  • Parameter: rhm_read_timeout
Seconds 60 1 600
Specifies the maximum number of seconds to wait for the response from Red Hat Marketplace during the export of data.
  • Name: Red Hat Marketplace: Verify export status
  • Parameter: rhm_verify_processing_status
Specifies whether it should be checked that all data was successfully processed in Red Hat Marketplace after the export.
  • Name: Scan files import waiting time
  • Parameter: scanFilesDownloadImportTimeout
Seconds 10 1 600
Specifies the maximum number of seconds to wait for a file with scan results to be read from the BigFix server during import.
  • Name: Server ID template for managed hosts
  • Parameter: managedServerTagTemplate
Specifies the format of information about VM manager hosts that is displayed in the Server ID column on the reports. The parameter affects hosts from which data is collected by the VM Manager Tool or by the Run Capacity Scan on Virtualization Hosts fixlet.
By default, the column contains information about the vendor, type and host name of the VM manager host. For example: IBM NC123456.IBM.COM. You can choose any combination of the following characteristics of a VM manager host to be displayed on the reports:
  • Host name (REST API value: %HOSTNAME)
    Important: To display this information for hosts from which data is collected by the Run Capacity Scan on Virtualization Hosts fixlet, you must first enable the collection of host names. To do this, select the Collect host names of virtualization hosts check box in the fixlet. Otherwise, a serial number is displayed instead of the host name for such VM manager hosts.
  • Identifier (REST API value: %ID)
  • Model (REST API value: %MODEL)
  • Serial number (REST API value: %SERIAL_NUMBER)
    Important: To display this information for hosts from which data is collected by the VM Manager Tool, you must first enable the collection of serial numbers. To do this, set the value of the vmman_collecting_host_serials_enabled parameter to true.
  • Type (REST API value: %TYPE)
  • Vendor (REST API value: %VENDOR)
Note: Information is displayed in the new format after the next import.
To change the format of information through REST API, list the characteristics of the VM manager host that you want to display in the value parameter. The value must be URL-encoded. For example:
PUT http://localhost:9081/api/sam/configs?token=
  • Name: Server ID template for unmanaged hosts
  • Parameter: standaloneServerTagTemplate
Specifies the format of information about the host that is displayed in the Server ID column on the reports. The parameter affects hosts that are not affected by the managedServerTagTemplate parameter.
By default, the column contains information about the vendor, type and serial number of the host. For example: IBM Corp. 7946 99B7166. You can choose any combination of the following characteristics of a host to be displayed on the reports:
  • Identifier (REST API value: %ID)
  • Model (REST API value: %MODEL)
  • Serial number (REST API value: %SERIAL_NUMBER)
  • Type (REST API value: %TYPE)
  • Vendor (REST API value: %VENDOR)
Note: Information is displayed in the new format after the next import.
To change the format of information via REST API, list the characteristics of the host that you want to display in the value parameter. The value must be URL-encoded. For example:
PUT http://localhost:9081/api/sam/configs?
  • Name: Size limit of Scan File to process
  • Parameter: scanFileSizeLimit
MB 4 0 100
Specifies the maximum size of the scan file that can be processed by License Metric Tool. Files that exceed the limit are rejected. When you set the parameter to 0, the limit is disabled and all files are process regardless of their size.
  • Name: Size limit of VM manager Scan File to download
  • Parameter: vmScansFileDownloadSizeLimit
MB 200 0 1000
Specifies the maximum size of the VM manager Scan File that can be processed by License Metric Tool. Files that exceed the limit are rejected. When you set the parameter to 0, the limit is disabled and all files are process regardless of their size.
Note: Increasing the accepted file size might cause that the maximum size of the server runtime memory (Xmx) is exceeded. In such case, adjust the Xmx value. For more information, see: Tuning server memory size.
  • Name: Sort bundling options alphabetically
  • Parameter: blockUiBundlingComputations
Specifies whether bundling options that are displayed when you reassign a software component are sorted by confidence or alphabetically. By default, the options are sorted by confidence. If you set the value of the parameter to true, the options are sorted alphabetically and thus are displayed more quickly on the user interface.
  • Name: Store hardware data for VM manager nodes
  • Parameter: storeHwDataForAllVMManagerNodes
Specifies whether information about nodes and clusters that is retrieved from VM managers is stored in the database, regardless of whether an agent is running on any virtual machine on such nodes or clusters.
  • Name: The default value of the Automatically confirm the affected components check box on the Software Classification panel
  • Parameter: automaticConfirm
Specifies the default value of the Automatically confirm the affected components check box on the Software Classification. If the parameter is set to true, the check box is selected by default and components affected by an action are confirmed. Otherwise, affected component are not confirmed.
  • Name: To Do: Show that VM manager connection is missing
  • Parameter: todo_display_vm_managers_need
Specifies whether the To Do List shows information about missing connections to VM managers. By default, the parameter is set to true which means that the item is displayed.
  • Name: User password: maximal number of characters
  • Parameter: user_password_max_length
Integer 0 0 1024
Specifies the maximum length of the user password. By default, the parameter is set to 0 which means that the requirement is disabled.
  • Name: User password: maximal number of the same characters in a row
  • Parameter: user_password_max_of_identical_characters_in_row
Number 0 0 32
Specifies the maximum number of the same characters that can be used in a row in the user password. By default, the parameter is set to 0 which means that the requirement is disabled.
  • Name: User password: minimal number of characters
  • Parameter: user_password_min_length
Number 8 0 128
Specifies the minimum length of the user password. Set the value to 0 to disable the requirement.
  • Name: User password: regular expression
  • Parameter: user_password_regular_expression
Regular Expression ^(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*\d).+$    
Specifies the regular expression that must be matched by the user password. By default, the password must contain at least one uppercase character, one lowercase character, and one digit. Set the value to an empty string to disable this requirement.
  • Name: User password: required special characters
  • Parameter: user_password_special_characters
String   0  
Specifies the list of special characters from which at least one must be used in the user password. By default, no special characters are required.
Note: Provide the characters one after another without any separators. For example: ?!&%. If you add a space, it is also treated as a special character.
  • Name: Validate VM manager data
  • Parameter: validateVMManagersData
Specifies whether the XML schema of files with VM manager data is validated by the License Metric Tool server.

Settings of the main VM Manager Tool

The following parameters can be configured from the server only if you are using the local or central VM Manager Tool. If you are using the distributed or disconnected VM Manager Tool, you must edit the configuration file to change the parameters. For more information, see: VM Manager Tool configuration parameters.
Table 2. Settings of the main VM Manager Tool
Name & Parameter Type Default Minimum Maximum
  • Name: Allow VM manager HTTP connection fallback
  • Parameter: vmman_http_connection_allowed
Allows the VM manager to connect by using the HTTP protocol when the defined HTTPS connection is not available.
  • Name: Attempt to fix VM manager connection parameters
  • Parameter: vmman_fix_parameters_enabled
Attempts to fix the most common problems with VM manager connection parameters, such as adding default URL suffix, correcting the user name format, and testing the WinRM and PowerShell protocols for Hyper-V VM managers.
  • Name: Check VM managers for uniqueness
  • Parameter: vmman_check_uniqueness_enabled
Specifies whether unique VM managers are distinguished from duplicates.
  • Name: Collect serial numbers of VM manager hosts
  • Parameter: vmman_collecting_host_serials_enabled
Specifies whether serial numbers of VM manager hosts are collected for VM managers from which data is collected by the VM Manager Tool. Available for Hyper-V and VMware 5.0 and higher.

To display information about serial numbers in the Server ID column on the reports, adjust the Server ID template that is specified by the managedServerTagTemplate parameter.

  • Name: Collect virtual machines host names
  • Parameter: vmman_collecting_hostnames_enabled
Specifies whether host names of virtual machines are collected by the VM Manager Tool and saved in its log files. Available for VMware only.

You can enable this parameter to solve problems with duplicated UUIDs. If duplicates are found, the host names are written in the log files.

  • Name: Filter VM manager UUIDs
  • Parameter: vmman_uuid_filtering_enabled
Enables UUID filtering of VM managers. For more information, see: UUID-based virtual machine filtering.
  • Name: Maximum number of subsequent login failures
  • Parameter: vmman_max_subsequent_login_failures
Number 3 0 100
Specifies the maximum number of failed attempts of logging in to the VM manager.
  • Name: Transfer VM manager credentials
  • Parameter: vmman_transfer_credentials_to_server
Specifies whether VM manager credentials are transferred to the server. The option is enabled by default. If you disable the option, the credentials are not transferred and thus they are not displayed on the VM Managers panel when you edit the VM manager.
  • Name: Trust SSL certificates from all defined VM managers
  • Parameter: vmman_trust_all_vm_managers_certificates
Specifies whether SSL certificates from all defined VM managers are trusted. If the option is disabled, certificates that are trusted must be placed in the truststore on the computer where the VM Manager Tool is installed. For more information, see: Configuring VM Manager Tool to accept trusted VM manager certificates.
  • Name: VM manager connection timeout
  • Parameter: vmman_connection_time_out
Seconds 90 10 3600 (1 hour)
Specifies the time after which the connection with a VM manager is ended.
  • Name: VM manager data transfer period
  • Parameter: vmman_transfer_period
Minutes 720 30 10080 (1 week)
Determines how often scan data is transferred to the agent to be uploaded to the server if subsequent scans have the same results.
  • Name: VM manager pooling interval
  • Parameter: vmman_pooling_time_interval
Minutes 30 30 10080 (1 week)
Specifies the interval between the consecutive retrievals of data from VM managers.
Restriction: In case of subcapacity reporting, it is necessary to capture mobility of VMs. To ensure that it is captured, data from VM managers must be collected every 30 minutes. You can change the frequency of collecting data only if you use License Metric Tool for purposes other than subcapacity reporting.
  • Name: VM manager thread pool size
  • Parameter: vmman_thread_pool_size
Number 10 1 50
Specifies the number of threads in the thread pool that is used for connections to VM managers.