REST interface for IBM Process Federation Server resources - Indexers Backup State Resource - DELETE Method

Delete any backup of the state of the indexers.

Sample method invocation

DELETE /rest/bpm/federated/v2/management/indexers/backupState[?federatedSystemsFilter={string}]

Usage Notes


Optional parameters
NameValue TypeDescription
federatedSystemsFilter string

A comma separated list of id, systemID or displayName that a federated system must match to be processed by the REST API.

Request content


Response content

Provide the result of the operation for each federated system for which there is at least one indexer running in the Process Federation Server on which the REST call was performed.

The default content type is application/json.

MIME type: application/json

+ View schema
{  "description": "Indexers Backup State", 
   "type": "object",
         	"federatedSystem": {
         		"type": "object",
            	"description": "The federated system for which the result is provided.",
            	"properties": {
            		"systemID": {
            			"type": "string",
            			"description": "the id of the federated system, as returned by the /systems API."
            		"id": {
            			"type": "string",
            			"description": "the id of the federated system, as declared in the server.xml configuration file"
            		"displayName": {
            			"type": "string",
            			"description": "the display name of the federated system, as declared in the server.xml configuration file"
            "indexName": {
            	"type": "string",
             	"description": "the name of the Elasticsearch index for the federated system."
            "status": {
            	"type": "string",
             	"description": "the status of the operation, which is 'ok' if the operation was successfully performed and 'error' if it failed."
            "errorMessage": {
            	"type": "string",
             	"description": "when the status attribute is 'error', this attribute contains a message that explains why the operation failed for the federated system"
            "message": {
            	"type": "string",
             	"description": "when the status attribute is 'ok', this attribute may contains a message that provides more information about the result of the operation for the federated system"
            "restorationTimestamp": {
            	"type": "string",
             	"description": "when the status attribute is 'ok', this attribute contains an UTC timestamp that indicates the timestamp of the PFS Change log table entries in the federated system database from which indexing will resume if the indexers state is restored."
            "recordTimestamp": {
            	"type": "string",
             	"description": "when the status attribute is 'ok', this attribute contains an UTC timestamp that indicates when the backup of the indexers state was performed."
+ View example content
    "results": [
            "federatedSystem": {
                "systemID": "4a8a5317-808e-48fe-964e-ff489ed356ce",
                "displayName": "BPD2102",
                "id": "bpd2102"
            "indexName": "bpd2102",
            "message": "indexer state backup deleted: it is now impossible to restore a previous snapshot of this index",
            "status": "ok"
            "federatedSystem": {
                "systemID": "_PK:90230172.e73e2c1c.1460ef53.182e0002",
                "displayName": "BPEL2103",
                "id": "bpel2103"
            "indexName": "bpel2103",
            "message": "indexer state backup deleted: it is now impossible to restore a previous snapshot of this index",
            "status": "ok"

Status codes

The method returns one of the following status codes:
200 OKThe request completed successfully.
401 UnauthorizedThe caller is not authorized for this request.
403 ForbiddenThe caller is not allowed to complete this request.
404 Not FoundThe resource does not exist.
406 Not AcceptableThe requested content type or content encoding is not supported.
500 Internal Server ErrorA severe problem occurred.
503 Service UnavailableThe federated request could not be delivered to individual federation targets.
504 Gateway TimeoutThe federated response has partial content because of missing individual responses.

Available since

Parent Topic: Indexers Backup State Resource