Limitations in administering the BPM document store

There are some limitations in administering the BPM document store. In most situations, you can successfully work around these limitations.

These limitations are described in the following sections.

Although the BPM document store is not available in these situations, you can continue to work with your document attachments in the Business Automation Workflow database. Alternatively, you can configure an external Enterprise Content Manager (ECM) system for storing your documents. In either situation, the legacy document APIs continue to be used. Any ECM operations that specify the BPM document store as a server will fail.

You receive an FNRAC1008E error if Java 2 Security is enabled

When the IBM® Administration Console for Content Platform Engine opens, an error message is received if Java™ 2 Security is enabled in IBM Business Automation Workflow (BPM). For more information, see FNRAC1008E error occurs if Java 2 Security is enabled.

The document store must be enabled at configuration time for an Business Automation Workflow installation that is configured to use DB2 on z/OS

At configuration time, you decide whether you want to enable the BPM document store. After you configure theBPM document store, you cannot dynamically enable or disable it.

The document store is only available when Federated Repositories is used as the user registry

The BPM document store is only available when Business Automation Workflow is configured to use Federated Repositories as the user registry. If you are using a different user registry configuration, disable the autostart mechanism of the IBM_BPM_DocumentStore application.

To use the document store with your LDAP users and groups, configure LDAP as a repository in Federated Repositories instead of using stand-alone LDAP as the user registry. Additional information is found in Configuring the user registry.

An exception occurs when you are logging or tracing document store operations

When the server is started or the BPM document store commands maintainDocumentStoreTrace or updateDocumentStoreApp are run, the following SystemErr exception might be logged:
[3/19/13 23:31:12:548 PDT] 00000084 SystemErr     R log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (
[3/19/13 23:31:12:548 PDT] 00000084 SystemErr     R log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.
[3/19/13 23:31:14:482 PDT] 00000084 SystemErr     R log4j:WARN Configuring default logging to the file E:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\Custom01\FileNet\
[3/19/13 23:31:49:536 PDT] 00000084 SystemErr     R log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (
[3/19/13 23:31:49:536 PDT] 00000084 SystemErr     R log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.
[3/19/13 23:33:25:867 PDT] 00000108 SystemErr     R SLF4J: Class path contains multiple SLF4J bindings.
The exception is caused by the tracing and logging mechanism that is used with the BPM document store. The exception does not result in any operational problems and can be safely ignored.

Defining too many properties can exceed the table row size limit

Over time, the number of properties that are defined for an application can exceed the table row size limit. You can delete unused properties by completing the actions that are described in Cleaning up the BPM document store.

You cannot use IBM Content Navigator to view the BPM document store

The BPM document store is an internal document store that is managed by Workflow Server. You cannot use IBM Content Navigator to view these documents.