Configuring custom properties for Process Portal by using the resource provider for mashups

To modify the default behavior of Process Portal or Heritage Process Portal (deprecated) for individual users or groups, administrators can use several mashups custom properties in the administrative console.

About this task

Restriction: Heritage Process Portal is deprecated.


  1. In the administrative console, go to Resources > Resource Environment > Resource Environment Providers > Mashups_ConfigService > Custom properties.
  2. Add the appropriate custom property from the following tables.
  3. For your changes to property values to take effect, resynchronize the nodes and restart the IBM® Business Automation Workflow server.
    Table 1. Process Portal custom properties
    Runtime behavior Custom properties
    Role-based task actions Process Portal action policies determine the authorization for actions in Process Portal.

    You can further restrict who can see task actions in Process Portal by using the custom properties.

    Refresh behavior: cometD
    Single Business Automation Workflow environments
    Process Portal uses CometD web messaging to push notifications and data refreshes to users when tasks and processes are updated on the server. To change the CometD behavior, use the and custom properties.
    Federated Business Automation Workflow environments
    CometD is not available in federated environments. To control how often the content in Process Portal is refreshed with content from the process federation server, use the custom property.
    Refresh behavior: access to large numbers of saved searches The and properties are configured to optimize how long lists of saved searches are loaded in the Work dashboard. The default values are suitable in most cases. IT administrators can change the default values if necessary.
    The Following, Mentions, Experts, and Stream social features Depending on your business requirements, you might want to disable some, or all, of the social features that Process Portal provides. To configure the social features that you include in Process Portal, use the custom property.
    Work dashboard Instead of using the default Work dashboard, you might want to provide some or all of your Process Portal users with a custom Work dashboard instead. To hide the default dashboard from specific security groups, use the custom property.
    Default start page The Work dashboard is the default start page for Process Portal. To change the default page, use the custom property.
    Order of the dashboards To change the default order of the dashboards for all users, use the custom property.
    Task-list format You can display tasks in the Work dashboard in a list or a table. By default, the tasks are displayed in a list. To change the default format, use the custom property.
    Claiming tasks and external UI To turn off the ability to claim tasks that were implemented by using an external user interface (that is, not based on a coach), use the custom property.
    Browser behavior for opening tasks By default, tasks are opened in the Process Portal browser window. To configure browser behavior, use the and custom properties.
    File type restrictions for stream attachments (Process Portal and Heritage Process Portal) By default you can add files of any file type to the stream.

    To restrict the file types that can be added to the stream, use the custom property.

    Time-tracking data for experts (Process Portal and Heritage Process Portal) To include time tracking for experienced users in the Experts tab in Process Portal, use the custom property.
    Support for resumable services (Process Portal and Heritage Process Portal) When a human service, such as a dashboard, is started in Process Portal, the instance and its data remains in the user's session memory until the service ends, the user logs out, or the session times out.

    By default, human services are not resumable. Therefore, when the user leaves a page, such as a dashboard page, the service instance stays in the user's session. If the user returns to the dashboard, a new service instance is created, which can use much server memory for each user.

    When a service is resumable, you must also enable the custom property to reuse service instances in Process Portal if they are still available in the user’s session memory.

    HTML frame support (Process Portal and Heritage Process Portal) Because of security constraints, login pages and index pages cannot be displayed in an HTML frame by default; otherwise, these pages automatically redirect the browser to display the page itself instead of the frame. However, you might need to display Process Portal pages inside HTML frames. For example, your team might want to view Process Portal data inside a customer user interface.

    To enable HTML frame support, use the custom property.

    Performance issues at logon (Process Portal and Heritage Process Portal) When users belong to many user groups, they might experience performance issues when they log on to Process Portal. To improve performance for these users, you can use the custom property to omit group membership retrieval from REST API calls.
    Performance issues when data is loaded with Show More buttons (Process Portal and Heritage Process Portal) Process Portal uses REST requests to retrieve displayed data. While most requests complete successfully, some might take longer because of various factors, such as the amount of data to be retrieved, server and database latency, and network latency. So, for example, you might see a timeout error message when you click Show More either on the task list in the Work dashboard or on the instance list in the Processes dashboard.

    You can allow long-running REST requests time to complete by configuring the custom property.

    Performance issues with snapshots in the Launch and Dashboards lists (Process Portal and Heritage Process Portal) The items in the Launch and Dashboards lists can have multiple snapshots. Each of these process application snapshots can also refer to toolkits, which in turn, refer to exposed items by type or service subtype. These references can lead to multiple entries in the list for the same exposed item: an entry that comes from the toolkit and an entry from each process application that refers to the toolkit. The multiple references can also impact Process Portal performance.

    To limit the exposed items to those that come from the toolkit only, use the custom property.

    IBM Business Automation Workflow V19.0.0.3Performance issues when a large task list populated with saved searches auto-refreshes IBM Business Automation Workflow

    To change the default refresh period for a large task list that is populated with saved searches, use the autoRefreshDelay mashup property.

    Content loading in a new browser window (Process Portal) To avoid seeing about:blank in the address bar until the coach loads, use the custom property.
    Localization resources and language support For each language that you want to be supported for your process application, you create a file of key-value pairs for the strings that are displayed in the application. To define the list of locales that the system can use, edit the available.locales custom property.
    Next Task dashboard

    To control whether the Next Task dashboard is shown and to what users, use the showNextTaskDashboard property.

    To define which tasks the dashboard shows, use the defaultNextTaskSavedSearch property.

    To define what happens when users log out, use the returnTaskToTeamOnLogout property.

    The Next Task dashboard is presented in Dashboards in Process Portal.
    IBM Business Automation Workflow V inactivity IBM Business Automation Workflow V

    You can set an inactivity timeout on individual users' Process Portal sessions. If a user stops interacting with Process Portal without logging out, inactivity is detected after the predefined timeout threshold is reached. Process Portal automatically logs the user out system-wide.

    To fully enable the inactivity monitoring service, set the inactivityMonitor and properties to some valid values.

    To determine whether the idle timeout monitor must be stopped when a task is opened in new window, set the inactivity.stopMonitorWhenOpenInNewWindow property.

    IBM Business Automation Workflow V support for re-authentication IBM Business Automation Workflow V enable support for re-authentication, use the allowed, logoutTimeoutInSeconds, and custom properties.

    If you configure IBM Process Federation Server or Process Portal with User Management Service and OAuth, these mashups config properties are set accordingly. For more information, see Configuring single sign-on in a production environment and Configuring single sign-on in a quick start configuration.

    Table 2. Heritage Process Portal custom properties (deprecated)
    Runtime behavior Custom properties
    Task-level collaboration Task-level, user-to-user collaboration enables one or more users to work directly on a task in Heritage Process Portal. However, this type of collaboration can result in tasks that are unintentionally locked.

    To disable task-level collaboration, use the custom property.

    HTML tags in stream comments By default, only b and span HTML tags are allowed in comments in the Stream tab. To enable further HTML tags to be used, use the custom property.
    Browser behavior for opening dashboards You can adjust the Heritage Process Portal browser behavior for opening dashboards, for example, to correctly display larger dashboards or dashboards that include heritage coaches. To enable dashboards to open in new browser windows, use the custom property.
    Attention: The custom property applies only to dashboards in the Dashboards list and not to processes and services in the Launch list.
    Error message pop-ups When an error occurs in Process Portal, you might see a pop-up window that includes a plus (+) icon button. You can click the button to get more information about the message, which might include a stack trace. To prevent additional information from being displayed, use the custom property.
    Accessible hover help By default, you can't use the keyboard to tab to hover help text for icons and labels in Heritage Process Portal. To enable keyboard accessibility, use the following custom property.
    Claiming tasks and external UI To turn off the ability to claim tasks that were implemented by using an external user interface (that is, not based on a coach), use the custom property.
    IBM Business Automation Workflow V name updates IBM Business Automation Workflow V product name is no longer set to a fixed value. You can update the product name using the custom property.