Where to edit Process Designer artifacts

The desktop Process Designer is deprecated. Use the newer Process Designer in a browser unless you are updating artifacts that you can edit only in the traditional desktop Process Designer.

Table 1. Where you can edit Process Designer artifacts
Artifacts Editable in the desktop Process Designer Editable in the Process Designer
Advanced Integration Service (AIS) Yes In Process Designer, you can view and edit existing AIS.
  • Before 8.6 CF2018.03, you must use the desktop Process Designer to create new AIS.
  • From 8.6 CF2018.03, you can create new AIS by using the Process Designer.
Ajax Service (deprecated) Yes In Process Designer, you use a service flow with the appropriate Ajax access defined. To convert an Ajax service to a service flow, see Mapping Ajax service artifacts.
Business Object Yes Yes
Business Process Definition (BPD) (deprecated) Yes In Process Designer, you can launch a BPD as a linked process from a process. To convert BPDs to processes, see Converting BPDs to processes.
Coach View Yes Yes

To use responsive features in coach views, for example, to have the runtime behavior respond to different screen size environments, you must edit coach views in the Process Designer. Positioning and grid are also available only in the Process Designer.

To convert deprecated coach views into UI views, see Mapping deprecated functions to UI functions.

Client-Side Human Service No Yes
Decision Service (deprecated) Yes In Process Designer, use a service flow. To convert a Decision service to a service flow, see Mapping Decision service artifacts
Design File Yes Yes
Document Type No Yes

To use document types, you must have installed the Basic Case Management feature from a previous release

Event Subscription Yes Yes
External Implementation Yes Yes

In Process Designer, you create an External Service with an External Implementation binding.

External Service No Yes
Exposed Process Value Yes Yes
General System Service (deprecated) Yes In Process Designer, use a service flow instead of a general system service. To convert a General System service to a service flow, see Mapping General System service artifacts.
Heritage Coaches (deprecated) Yes Yes

You can open heritage human services that contain heritage coaches in the Process Designer. Basic support is available for editing heritage coaches in XML view only. Creation of heritage coaches is not supported in Process Designer.

Heritage Human Service (deprecated) Yes Yes

Artifacts such as Send Alert are not supported in the Process Designer. To view or edit them, use the desktop Process Designer.

Historical Analysis Scenario (deprecated) Yes No
IBM Case Manager Integration Service Yes In the Process Designer, use a process with ad-hoc activities instead of the IBM Case Manager Integration Service.
Integration Service (deprecated) Yes In Process Designer, use a service flow instead of an integration service. To convert an Integration service to a service flow, see Mapping Integration service artifacts.
Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Yes No
Localization Resource Yes Yes
Process No Yes
Process Application Setting

All settings are not available in both Process Designer editors. To see the difference, open the process app editor in the desktop and Process Designer and compare the two.

Yes Yes
Server File Yes Yes
Service Flow   Yes
Service-Level Agreement (SLA) Yes No
Simulation Analysis Scenario (deprecated) Yes No
Team Yes Yes
Theme No Yes
Timing Interval Yes No
Tracking Group Yes Yes
Undercover Agent Yes Yes
User Attribute Definition Yes Yes
Web File Yes Yes
Web Service Yes Yes