This topic applies only to the IBM Business Automation Workflow Advanced

Publishing modules to test environment servers

In IBM® Integration Designer, you will occasionally need to publish modules to a running test environment server. This effectively redeploys the modules and allows the running server to pick up changes that you have made to the components of your modules.

Before you begin

Although most types of changes to components are automatically picked up by running servers, some types of changes are not. For example, some changes to BPEL business processes may require you to publish the modules to the server. If you make modifications to a BPEL business process and you find that these changes are not being picked up automatically by a running instance of your business process, then you must publish the modules.

About this task

When you have deployed a module that is part of a Process Application and are testing the module on a Workflow Center Server, the Publish action actually performs two separate operations. First, the changed module components are delivered to the Workflow Center repository. Then, the modules are deployed from the repository to the Process Center Server.

To publish modules:


  1. In the Business Integration or Debug perspective, click the Servers tab to open the Servers view.
  2. In the Servers view, right-click your running server and select Publish. The modules are published to the server.


If you are experiencing communication problems with the remote server, such as problems in publishing to the remote server or obtaining the status of the server, see the topic Resolving communication problems with remote servers.