exportWASConfig.py script

Use the exportWASConfig.py script to export WebSphere® Application Server configuration, in addition to the configuration exported by the BPMConfig –export or BPMConfig –migrate command.
This script exports the following customized WebSphere Application Server configuration:
  • Data sources
  • JDBC providers
  • JMS providers
  • Connection factories
  • JMS activation specifications
  • JMS queue and topic specifications
  • Namespace bindings
  • Authentication aliases
  • Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
  • Service integration buses (SIBs) and messaging engines
You can run the importWASConfig.py script to import this additional configuration information when you create a new deployment environment.

The exportWASConfig.py script is run using the AdminTask object of the wsadmin scripting client.


The following conditions must be met:
  • Run the command in disconnected mode; that is, with the server stopped. Use the -conntype none option.


The script is in install_root/util/migration/scripts. If you installed the new version of the product on a different computer and copied the migration files to the source environment, the script is in remote_migration_utility/util/migration/scripts.

A log file is created in the directory where you run the command. The log file is named exportWASConfig_yyyyMMdd_hhmmss.log.

Start the wsadmin scripting client from the profile_root/bin directory.


deployment_manager_profile/bin/wsadmin -conntype NONE -lang jython -f exportWASConfig.py
[-listDataSources  | -exportAllDataSources | -exportDataSource jndi_name | 
  -listJDBCProviders  | -exportAllJDBCProviders  | 
  -listJMSProviders  | -exportAllJMSProviders  | 
  -listConnectionFactories  | -exportAllConnectionFactories  | -exportConnectionFactory jndi_name |
  -listActivationSpecs | -exportAllActivationSpecs  | -exportActivationSpec jndi_name |
  -listQueuesAndTopics | -exportAllQueuesAndTopics  | -exportQueueOrTopic jndi_name |
  -listNameSpaceBindings | -exportAllNameSpaceBindings | -exportNameSpaceBinding namespace_ID |
  -listAuthAliases | exportAllAuthAliases | -exportAuthAlias alias_name |
  -exportSSLSettings | 
  -exportJavaSecurityFile |
  -exportSIBusConfig bus_name ]
[-cell cell_name]
[-node node_name -server server_name]  | [-cluster cluster_name]


Specifies the script file to run.
Lists all the data sources in the source deployment environment.
Exports the configuration, including the authentication alias and JDBC provider, for all data sources from the source deployment environment in the specified scope. You must specify the cell name for this parameter. Optionally, specify the node and server name, or the cluster name.

The configuration for each data source is exported to output_directory/datasource_id.obj. A summary file output_directory/exportDS.properties is also created.

-exportDataSource jndi_name
Exports the configuration for the data source with the specified JNDI name from the source deployment environment in the specified scope. You must specify the JNDI name and the cell name for this parameter. Optionally, specify the node and server name, or the cluster name.

The configuration for the data source with the specified JNDI name is exported to output_directory/datasource_id.obj. A summary file output_directory/exportDS.properties is also created.

Lists all the JDBC Providers in the source deployment environment.
Exports the configuration for all JDBC providers from the source deployment environment in the specified scope. You must specify the cell name for this parameter. Optionally, specify the node and server name, or the cluster name.
Lists all the JMS Providers in the source deployment environment.
Exports the configuration for all JMS providers from the source deployment environment in the specified scope. You must specify the cell name for this parameter. Optionally, specify the node and server name, or the cluster name.
Lists all the connection factories in the source deployment environment.
Exports the configuration, including the authentication alias, JMS provider and bus name, for all connection factories from the source deployment environment in the specified scope. You must specify the cell name for this parameter. Optionally, specify the node and server name, or the cluster name.
-exportConnectionFactory jndi_name
Exports the configuration for the connection factory with the specified JNDI name from the source deployment environment in the specified scope. You must specify the JNDI name and the cell name for this parameter. Optionally, specify the node and server name, or the cluster name.
Lists all the JMS activation specifications in the source deployment environment.
Exports the configuration, including the authentication alias, JMS provider, bus and messaging engine name, and JMS queue, for all JMS activation specifications from the source deployment environment in the specified scope. You must specify the cell name for this parameter. Optionally, specify the node and server name, or the cluster name.
-exportActivationSpec jndi_name
Exports the configuration for the JMS activation specification with the specified JNDI name from the source deployment environment in the specified scope. You must specify the JNDI name and the cell name for this parameter. Optionally, specify the node and server name, or the cluster name.
Lists all the JMS queue and topic specifications in the source deployment environment.
Exports the configuration, including the bus name, for all JMS queue and topic specifications from the source deployment environment in the specified scope. You must specify the cell name for this parameter. Optionally, specify the node and server name, or the cluster name.
Important: The following values are not exported:
  • forwardRoutingPath
  • reverseRoutingPath
If you set values for these properties, you must reset them manually after migration.
-exportQueueOrTopic jndi_name
Exports the configuration for the queue or topic with the specified JNDI name from the source deployment environment in the specified scope. You must specify the JNDI name and the cell name for this parameter. Optionally, specify the node and server name, or the cluster name. The values for forwardRoutingPath and reverseRoutingPath are not exported.
Lists all the namespace bindings in the source deployment environment.
Exports the configuration for all namespace bindings from the source deployment environment.
-exportNameSpaceBinding namespace_ID
Exports the configuration for the namespace binding with the specified ID from the source deployment environment in the specified scope. You must specify the JNDI name and the cell name for this parameter. Optionally, specify the node and server name, or the cluster name.
Lists all the authentication aliases in the source deployment environment.
Exports the configuration for all authentication aliases from the source deployment environment.

The configuration for each authentication alias is exported to output_directory/auth_alias_id.obj. A summary file output_directory/exportAlias.properties is also created.

-exportAuthAlias alias_name
Exports the configuration for the authentication alias with the specified name from the source deployment environment. You must specify the authentication alias name for this parameter.

The configuration for the authentication alias with the specified name is exported to output_directory/auth_alias_id.obj. A summary file output_directory/exportAlias.properties is also created.

Exports all SSL settings from the source deployment environment. This parameter exports only the SSL configuration; related truststore and keystore configuration are not exported.

Each SSL setting is exported to output_directory/SSL_Alias_Name.obj. A summary file output_directory/exportSSL.properties is also created.

Exports the Java security file source_install_root/java/jre/lib/security/java.security from the source deployment environment.
-exportSIBusConfig bus_name
Exports the bus and messaging engine configuration, including the bus link and bus destination, for a specific bus from the source deployment environment. The general properties of the following objects are exported:
  • Bus
  • Bus members
  • Messagine engines
  • Foreign buses
  • Destinations
  • Security
Additional properties and related items are not exported.
Where to put the configuration that is exported.
-cell cell_name
Name of the cell to export configuration from.
-node node_name
Name of the node to export stand-alone configuration from. If you specify the node, you must specify the server.
-server server_name
Name of the server to export stand-alone configuration from. If you specify the server, you must specify the node.
-cluster cluster_name
Name of the cluster to export network deployment configuration from.
Where to put the configuration that is exported.


The following example shows how to export the configuration for all data sources from the application cluster of cell 1.
wsadmin -conntype NONE -f /tmp/exportWASConfig.py -exportAllDataSources /tmp/exportedDataSources -cell Cell01 -cluster AppCluster
The following example shows how to export the configuration for the data source with the specified JNDI name from cell 1.
wsadmin -conntype NONE -f /tmp/exportWASConfig.py -exportDataSource /tmp/exportedDataSources jdbc/WPSDB -cell Cell01
The following example shows how to export the configuration for all JDBC providers from cell 1.
wsadmin -conntype NONE -f /tmp/exportWASConfig.py -exportAllJDBCProviders /tmp/exportedJDBCProviders -cell Cell01
The following example shows how to export all SSL settings from the source deployment environment.
wsadmin -conntype NONE -f /tmp/exportWASConfig.py -exportSSLSettings /tmp/exportedSSLSettings
The following example shows how to export the Java security file from the source environment.
wsadmin -conntype NONE -f exportWASConfig.py -exportJavaSecurityFile /tmp/exportedJavaSecurityFile
The following example shows how to export the configuration for all authentication aliases from the source deployment environment.
wsadmin -conntype NONE -f /tmp/exportWASConfig.py -exportAllAuthAliases /tmp/exportedAuthAliases
The following example shows how to export the configuration for the authentication alias with the specified name from the source deployment environment.
wsadmin -conntype NONE -f /tmp/exportWASConfig.py -exportAuthAlias SCA_Auth_Alias /tmp/exportedAuthAliases
The following example shows how to list all the data sources in the source deployment environment.
wsadmin -conntype NONE -f exportWASConfig.py -listDataSources 
The following example shows how to list all the authentication aliases in the source deployment environment.
wsadmin -conntype NONE -f exportWASConfig.py -listAuthAliases