Configuring the httpProtocolOnly property for desktop Process Designer (deprecated)

Modify the httpProtocolOnly property to configure desktop Process Designer to use the HTTP or HTTPS protocol instead of RMI with JMS.

About this task

Use the WebSphere command-line administration tool (wsadmin) AdminConfig commands to access and modify the httpProtocolOnly property of the BPMProcessCenter or BPMProcessServer configuration objects. The term configuration object refers to an object that is accessed by using the wsadmin AdminConfig commands. See Commands for the AdminConfig object using wsadmin scripting.


  1. Start the wsadmin scripting tool:
    Dmgr_HOME\bin>wsadmin -conntype NONE -lang jython
    WASX7357I: By request, this scripting client is not connected to any server proc
    ess. Certain configuration and application operations will be available in local
    WASX7031I: For help, enter: "print"
  2. Modify the httpProtocolOnly property (which has a default value of true):
      BPMClusterConfigExtension:/BPMProcessCenter:/") # You must use BPMProcessCenter or 
      BPMProcessServer depending on your deployment environment 
    wsadmin>print AdminConfig.showAttribute(b,'httpProtocolOnly') 
    wsadmin>print AdminConfig.showAttribute(b,'httpProtocolOnly') 
    Note: The default value of the httpProtocolOnly property is true, which means that desktop Process Designer will use HTTP or HTTPS.
    Important: If you change the value of the httpProtocolOnly property to false, the user ID specified for the J2C security alias that maps to the BPMAuthor role on the Workflow Server must exist on the Workflow Center, and the passwords must be the same.
  3. Run the command each time the property is modified for the configuration changes to be saved.