IBM Business Automation Workflow V

Applying an interim fix or cumulative fix by swinging profiles

If you configured your IBM® Business Automation Workflow environment for swinging profiles, you can apply an Business Automation Workflow interim fix or cumulative fix and swing the profiles.

Before you begin

To associate a profile with a different installation by following this procedure, your environment must be configured for swinging profiles. For more information, see Installing and configuring a swinging profiles environment.

About this task

Only Business Automation Workflow interim fixes and cumulative fixes are supported, not WebSphere® Application Server or Java SDK interim fixes.


To apply the interim fix or cumulative fix, complete the following steps:

  1. On the computer that holds the master product installation:
    1. Use IBM Installation Manager to apply the Business Automation Workflow interim fix or cumulative fix as usual.
    2. Copy the contents of the master installation directory to another directory and compress to a TAR file, for example:
      mkdir CLONE_18002_iFixes
      cp -R /opt/BPMInstall/MASTER/AppServer/* /opt/CLONE_18002_iFixes/
      tar -cvf CLONE_18002_iFixes.tar CLONE_18002_iFixes/
  2. On each computer where you created profiles:
    1. Stop all the Java processes associated with the Business Automation Workflow products that are being upgraded.
      Note: If you are applying a cumulative fix, this step is done as part of the normal upgrading instructions.
      1. Stop the single cluster or the three clusters in the following order: Support, Application, and then Messaging.
      2. Stop any other servers, the node agents, and then the deployment manager.
      3. Stop any other associated JVMs, such as the Profile Management Tool or the Quick Start console.
      4. If you have a Microsoft Windows service or another function that automatically restarts the servers when they are down, ensure that the service or function is disabled until the upgrade process is complete.
        Important: The product might not continue to run successfully if you install the fix when a Java process related to WebSphere Application Server is running.
    2. Get the TAR file from the master computer and decompress the archive, for example:
      tar -xvf CLONE_18002_iFixes.tar
    3. Modify the following properties in the properties/ file to point to the common profile directories that you previously created on this computer in step 2c in Installing and configuring a swinging profiles environment.
      For example, change the following lines:
    4. Change the symbolic link that you created in step 2d in Installing and configuring a swinging profiles environment to point to the installation directory that you just decompressed on this computer, for example:
      rm /opt/BPMCommonArea/BPMLink
      ln -s /opt/CLONE_18002_iFixes /opt/BPMCommonArea/BPMLink
    5. Use the BPMConfig -update command to change the network shared directory to the folder you set. If you didn't set this directory in the previous version, set the to an existing folder that is outside the IBM Business Automation Workflow installation folder.
    6. Run the BPMEnablePostInstaller command to enable the necessary post-installation scripts for the cumulative fix or interim fixes that were installed.
      If you are installing a few interim fixes, you can specify the fix name as the input parameter and separate the names with commas, for example: -ifix,
      If you are installing many interim fixes, you do not need to specify the file names, for example: -ifix
      If you are installing a cumulative fix, you do not need to specify the file name, for example:
      Note: For case management:
      • Every time you update IBM Business Automation Workflow, run the BPMEnablePostInstaller command to update the INI files.
      • If you are using an external Content Platform Engine, every time you replace the IBM Business Automation Workflow installation files to update IBM Business Automation Workflow or update the version of the external Content Platform Engine, you must run the updateBPMExternalECM command to download those Content Platform Engine libraries again as mentioned in the upgrading instructions.
    7. Follow the upgrading steps to upgrade the database and profile. When you are finished upgrading, start the environment and verify that the interim fix or cumulative fix installation was successful.
      Important: When you are applying a cumulative fix, make sure you wait to start the environment only when directed to do so by the upgrading instructions.