Extending a network deployment environment using the BPMConfig command

After you have created a deployment environment, you can run the BPMConfig command at a later time to extend the deployment environment, for example to add additional nodes or cluster members.

Before you begin

Before running the BPMConfig command:
  • You must have installed the product on the computer where you want to extend the deployment environment.
  • You must have an existing deployment environment.
  • The deployment manager must be running.
Important: To use an external Content Platform Engine, the host name must have a domain name suffix, for example MyDmgrHost.my_domain.com.

About this task

Run the BPMConfig command with the -create -de option to add additional managed nodes (profiles) to your existing environment. When it runs, the BPMConfig command:
  • Creates any local profiles specified in the configuration properties file that do not already exist. BPMConfig cannot augment existing WebSphere® Application Server profiles with Business Automation Workflow. If you want to use existing WebSphere Application Server profiles, you must augment them first. See Creating or augmenting managed-node profiles on Linux.
  • Federates the node of the profile and adds the managed node to the deployment environment.
  • Creates any missing cluster members.
Note: The bootstrap command bootstrapProcessServerData is not run in this particular scenario because the database already exists. The value of the bpm.de.deferSchemaCreation property is ignored.


To extend an existing deployment environment to include additional nodes (profiles) or cluster members:

  1. If you do not already have a customized configuration properties file based on the existing deployment environment that you want to extend, use the BPMConfig command with the -export parameter to create a configuration properties file that reflects your current deployment environment. Determine the minimum settings for a new node by examining the sample configuration files that are provided in the following directory:
  2. Modify the properties file to add the additional nodes (profiles) and cluster members to extend the existing environment.

    When adding managed nodes to an existing deployment environment, define each new node by duplicating the set of bpm.de.node properties that exist in the properties file and specifying the values that apply to the new managed node.

    Duplicate a set of node and cluster member properties in the file, and then increment the sequence number in the property names that you added.

    For example, if you currently have two sets of properties for your nodes and associated cluster members, and you want to add a third, the third set of properties that you add should look like the following properties:
    	# Node properties: Node3 #
    	# optional profilePath  defaults to <WAS_HOME_path/profiles/profileName>
    	# optional initialPortAssignment
    	# Enter location of the jdbcdriver path 
    	# Cluster member properties: SingleClusterMember3#

    For more information about the available properties, read the comments in the sample files, or see the BPMConfig command-line utility and the examples.

  3. Run the following command to verify that the modified properties file contains valid properties:
    install_root/bin/BPMConfig -validate properties_file
  4. To add new nodes or cluster members:
    1. Ensure the deployment manager is running.
    2. For each profile that you want to create on a remote installation, run the following command on the computer with the remote installation (not on the deployment manager):
      install_root/bin/BPMConfig -create -de properties_file
      The managed node profile will be created if it does not already exist. Only one node can be federated to the deployment manager at a time. Ensure that you are running only one BPMConfig command at a time.
    3. On the deployment manager, run the BPMConfig -create -de command.
      install_root/bin/BPMConfig -create -de properties_file 
  5. Synchronize all the nodes in the deployment environment to propagate the configuration from the deployment manger to all nodes.
    Use the syncNode command or restart the node agents. Before you start the new cluster members, ensure that synchronization has completed by checking the syncNode.log file or the node agent logs found in the profile_root/logs directory.