Modifying tasks

You can add implementation logic to specify values for runtime configuration properties of a task such as its due date and duration, priority, status, subject, and who can work on the task. The specified values take effect at run time.

Before you begin

You can enable customization of task properties in a heritage human service or in a service flow invoked by a heritage human service. To work in a service flow, you must be in the IBM® Process Designer editor.

About this task

You can modify task properties at levels other than the human service level, for example, at the activity or process level. Task owners can also modify a subset of the task properties in Process Portal before or after claiming the task. Depending on the claim status of the task at run time, the values of the task properties that you specified at the service level can override the property values that are specified at other levels.

To model your heritage human service for task modification or service flow invoked by a human service, use the Modify Task This icon indicates the Modify Task tool on the palette. tool to add a Modify Task node to the diagram. In the implementation properties of the node, specify the appropriate property settings for the task. The Modify Task node is not available in a client-side human service. However, you can use the node in a service flow and call the service flow from the client-side human service. Note that a Modify Task node should only be used in a service flow that is called by a human service.


To model a service that contains a Modify Task activity, complete the following steps:

  1. Open the appropriate process application in the Designer view.
  2. From the IBM Process Designer library, select the service flow or heritage human service that you want to work with, and click its Diagram tab.
  3. From the palette, under Activity, use the Modify Task This icon indicates the Modify Task tool on the palette. tool to add a Modify Task node to the service diagram. Wire the node in the diagram, and then select the node.
  4. In the Implementation tab, ensure that its activity type is set to Modify Task.
  5. In the Modification tab, click a task property in the Task Modifications list, enable the property to make it editable, and specify appropriate values for its settings.
    Due date
    From the Option list, select a due date option and specify the settings for your selection.
    • Due in: Use the Increment type to specify the expected task duration in minutes, hours, days, or months. You can also use the variable selector next to Increment amount to choose an existing variable from the library. At run time, the variable reflects the appropriate value for the time period. To avoid decreasing performance, do not set a due in value greater than 800 hours, minutes, or days. Instead, use a JavaScript expression to provide a Specific date. For more information, see Specifying activity due dates.
    • Time schedule: Click the drop-down list to select one of the options or set the time schedule to (use default). For example, select 24x7 if you want 24 hours a day, seven days a week to be the time period in which the resulting tasks from the current activity are due. If you use the default option, the work schedule specified for the activity or process is used. For more information, see Setting the work schedule for a process.
    • Timezone: Click the drop-down list to select the time zone that you want to apply to the task or set the time zone to (use default). For example, you can select Eastern Standard Time (US/Eastern) for users who work in New York.
    • Holiday schedule: Use the default setting or click the JS button to use a JavaScript expression. If you choose JavaScript, you can enter either a string (or string-generated JavaScript) or JavaScript that returns a TWHolidaySchedule variable. If you use a string, Business Automation Workflow looks up the holiday schedule by name according to those rules. If you use a TWHolidaySchedule variable, Business Automation Workflow assumes that the holiday schedule is filled in appropriately.
    An optional task description. Enable the narrative settings, and select Prefix or Replace for the narrative option. You can also use embedded JavaScript syntax to express the narrative.
    Restriction: Do not use JavaScript variable references in task narratives if you need the data to be available after the task completes. Once a task is complete, Business Automation Workflow removes the data for completed tasks to conserve space. Instead, store the data items in another location, such as a database.
    Enable the priority settings, and select a priority value from the drop-down list: Lowest, Low, Normal, High, or Highest.
    Enable the reassignment settings, and type in the name of the user or user group to which you want to reassign the task.
    Enable the status settings and select one of the values for the task status from the drop-down list: New, Received, Actioned, Closed, Special, or Deleted.

    A descriptive subject for the task at run time. Enable the subject settings, select a type, Prefix, Suffix, or Replace, and type in the description. You can also use embedded JavaScript syntax to express the subject. For example, <#=tw.local.mySubject#>.

    Use other task
    Enable this option, and specify the name of the task to be invoked by this task. You can also use the variable selector to choose an existing variable from the library or use JavaScript expressions to specify the other task.
  6. Click Save or Finish Editing.