Assigning pre- and post-execution scripts

To specify attributes and conditions for the execution of an activity or event in a client-side human service or service flow, you can assign pre-execution and post-execution scripts to a specified activity or event node. The JavaScript code that you add as pre- and post-execution scripts runs immediately before or after the activity or event runs.

About this task

In a client-side human service or service flow, you can add pre- and post-execution scripts to all activities and event nodes that support the pre- and post-execution script function. For example, start nodes support pre- and post-execution scripts in client-side human services but not in service flows, while end nodes support pre- and post-execution scripts in both client-side human services and service flows.

In the script editor, use standard JavaScript syntax to add the appropriate pre- or post-execution JavaScript code.

When you add the scripts to a postpone event, the event runs the pre- and post-execution scripts before saving the execution context and before navigating to the specified URL. Similarly, the end event in a root client-side human service that is used as a task runs both the pre- and post-execution scripts before returning the control to the BPD.


To assign a pre-execution or post-execution script to an activity or event in a client-side human service or service flow:

  1. Open the service that includes the activity or event that requires a pre-execution or post-execution script.
  2. Select the activity or event node in the service flow diagram, and then switch to the Pre & Post properties.
  3. Enter or paste the appropriate JavaScript code in the Pre-Execution Script section or the Post-Execution Script section.
    For example, assume that you wanted to synchronize a customer's shipping and billing addresses as part of an order confirmation coach that is included in a larger client-side human service. To achieve this result, you can add a post-execution script that is similar to the following JavaScript sample code to the order confirmation coach. The post-execution script runs immediately after the execution of the order confirmation coach completes and synchronizes the two addresses.
    if (tw.local.sameAsShipTo) {
       tw.local.billToAddress = tw.local.shipToAddress;
    When you assign a pre- or post-execution script to an activity or event, its node in the diagram view includes a circular indicator on the left side (pre-execution) or on the right side (post-execution).
  4. Click Save or Finish Editing.