Configuring coach views for storing and viewing Enterprise Content Management documents

You can store and view documents on an ECM server from a client application, such as Process Portal, by configuring one of the document coach views (Document Explorer or ECM Document List view) and, optionally, a File Viewer view.

Before you begin

The Enterprise Content Management (ECM) server where the documents are stored can be any of the following:
  • BPM document store
  • An external ECM server
If you are using the BPM document store, you can configure the BPM Document List view. If you are using an external ECM server, you can configure either the Document Explorer or the ECM Document List view.
Toolkit dependencies
Because you need access to ECM types, ensure that the Content Management (SYSCM) toolkit is added to the dependencies for the process application.
Configuring the document views
The Document Explorer is capable of determining what document folder to look at when it runs within a process context. No further configuration is required. However, if you intend to access content in an external ECM server, you need to configure both the Folder ID and Server name options. For more information about Document Explorer, see the topic Document Explorer.
The ECM Document List view must be configured before it can be used. For example, the ECM server configuration name option must be specified. You can also customize the default search by providing values for the following configuration options:
  • Columns: Provides a set of columns to display in the document lists.
  • Filter: Provides a set of columns and values to filter on when searching for documents.
  • Document object type ID: Specifies a document type to search for. The default document type is cmis:document.

You can also provide a full CMIS query value by configuring the CMIS query option. This query will override all other options described above. Finally, you can also override the search service associated with this view and provide your own. For more information, see the topic ECM Document List.

About this task

Add one of the document coach views to a coach to enable Process Portal users to store or view documents on an ECM server. All of the following steps apply to both the Document Explorer view and the ECM Document List view, except when otherwise specified.


  1. Create a client-side human service.
  2. Select a Coach from the palette and drag it onto the canvas.
    Specify an appropriate name for the coach and save your work.
  3. Open the new coach, and from the palette beneath Content, drag one of the document coach views onto the canvas.
    If you also want to view documents in the coach, drag a File Viewer view onto the canvas.
    Tip: If you do not see a Content section on the palette, select that section from the Filter list.
  4. Select the other configuration options that you want for your implementation of the document coach view that you are using to list documents.
    For more information about the configuration properties, see the topics Document Explorer and ECM Document List.
  5. Implement the corresponding event handler in the document coach view if you are using the File Viewer view to display a document in the list:
    1. To trigger the File Viewer to display the selected document, implement the following code in the event handler (where VIEW_ID is the control ID of the File Viewer coach):

      For more information, see the topic User-defined events.

    2. For the Document Explorer, implement the On document clicked event handler. For the ECM Document List view, implement the On file clicked event handler. Set the data binding for the document coach view.
  6. Test the implementation of the document coach view by clicking the Run service icon in the upper right section of the page:
    Run service

What to do next

You might want to update bindings in the documents coach view by using a script; for example, because the value of your CMIS query provided to the ECM Document List view changed. If you run a script to update the binding, you must change the previous value. In the following JavaScript example, the columns are updated by appending text that changes the older values:

tw.local.cmisQueryString = "SELECT cmis:name, cmis:objectId ";
if (tw.local.photoCatagory) tw.local.cmisQueryString = tw.local.cmisQueryString + ", PhotoCatagory";
if (tw.local.photoSubject) tw.local.cmisQueryString = tw.local.cmisQueryString + ", PhotoSubject";
if (tw.local.photoLocation) tw.local.cmisQueryString = tw.local.cmisQueryString + ", PhotoLocation";
if (tw.local.photoDate) tw.local.cmisQueryString = tw.local.cmisQueryString + ", PhotoDate";
tw.local.cmisQueryString = tw.local.cmisQueryString + " FROM acpPhoto";

tw.local.testCoachRefresh = tw.local.testCoachRefresh + "XYZ ";

The following steps show how to create a search service for the ECM Document List view:

  1. Ensure that you have the correct input and output variables and types by copying the ECM Document Search Service to your process application.
  2. Rename the ECM Document Search Service to an appropriate name; for example, MySearch.
  3. Update the search service as required.

    The default service handles queries for both ECM Document List and BPM Document List. You can customize the flow by removing unnecessary nodes. You can maintain and update the Search ECM Documents node.

  4. Use the auto-map function to create the map between the input and output service parameters and the variables.