Moving tokens

Use a REST API to move tokens.

Before you begin

The Process Portal action policies govern security permissions for token management features. Before you move tokens, ensure the ACTION_MOVE_TOKEN action policy is configured to allow you to move tokens and that you are a member of the default security group that is assigned to the action policy. For more information, see Configuration properties for Process Portal action policies.


To move a token to a new activity, complete the following steps:

  1. Use the Move token REST API to move a process instance token from one activity to another. For interface details, see REST interface for BPD-related resources - Process Instance Resource - POST (move token) Method.
    token_ID &target=target_step_ID[&resume=resume_value]
  2. Provide the information for the following parameters of the API:
    • instance_ID - the instance ID number of the process instance containing tokens to be moved
    • action - the action to be taken (moveToken)
    • token_ID - the token ID number of the token you want to move
    • target_step_ID - the ID number of the new process step you are moving the token to
    • resume_value - the action used to resume the instance after moving the token (set to true or false); the default value is true.
  3. In Process Designer, determine the target_step_ID parameter:
    1. Open the target snapshot and corresponding process.
    2. Select the target activity for the token and open the Properties view for it.
    3. On the General tab, you find the ID to use for the target_step_ID.
  4. Find the token ID for a particular process instance in one of the following places:
    • The Process Designer Inspector shows the tokens when you view a particular instance.
    • The Process Inspector in the Process Admin console lists the tokens for an instance if they are orphaned.
    • The GET method of the process instance REST interface returns details about a process instance including its tokens. For more information, see REST interface for BPD-related resources - Process Instance Resource - GET Method.
  5. Run the REST API to move the token.


When successful, the REST API returns a 200 status code. For possible error codes, see REST interface for BPD-related resources - Process Instance Resource - POST (move token) Method.