Managing expense plans in the IBM MaaS360 Portal

Use the following procedures to manage expense plans in the IBM® MaaS360® Portal.

Creating an expense plan

  1. From the IBM MaaS360 Portal Home page, select Expense > Plans.
  2. Click Create New Plan. The Create Plan window is displayed.
  3. Provide the following details about the plan:
    Option Description
    First day of the billing cycle The day of the month the billing cycle starts.
    In-Network mobile data usage limit (MB) The limit for in-network data usage.
    Roaming mobile data usage limit (MB) The limit for roaming data usage.
  4. Click Save and Publish, and then deploy the plan to users. The plan is in draft status until you publish the plan. You cannot use the plan until you publish the plan.

Changing an existing plan

  1. From the IBM MaaS360 Portal Home page, select Expense > Manage Plans.
  2. From the Manage Plans window, locate the plan.
  3. Click Edit Plan.
  4. Apply changes to the plan, and then click Save and Publish.

Deactivating an expense plan

  1. From the IBM MaaS360 Portal Home page, select Expense > Manage Plans.
  2. From the Manage Plans window, locate the plan.
  3. Click Deactivate Plan, and then click Continue. The status of the plan is Inactive. MaaS360 stops tracking usage for devices that were assigned to the plan.

Reactivating an expense plan

  1. From the IBM MaaS360 Portal Home page, select Expense > Manage Plans.
  2. From the Manage Plans window, locate the plan.
  3. Click Reactivate Plan.
  4. Specify whether the plan is the default plan, and then provide a description of the plan.
  5. Click Continue twice.

Viewing the audit history of an expense plan

  1. From the IBM MaaS360 Portal Home page, select Expense > Manage Plans.
  2. From the Manage Plans window, locate the plan.
  3. Click View Audit History. The Audit History window displays changes for a plan, and when those changes occurred.