DEM for HTTP server

You can enable DEM for HTTP Server. The DEM plug-in for HTTP Server passively collects data on how actual users are interacting with and experiencing your application. This is achieved through instrumenting the application or injecting code on the page to collect metrics. With DEM and Transaction Tracking, the DEM plug-in for HTTP Server can monitor web application performance from the browser to the line of code.

Before you begin

  • For details about the system requirements, see SPCR report link.
  • Software requirements:
    • or higher
    • glibc 2.17 or higher
  • DEM supports monitoring kube services that are exposed by Ingress only. Make sure that the following settings are enabled in your Kubernetes environment.
    • If SSL Passthrough is enabled in ingress, ensure that X-FORWARDED-FOR is enabled. Set below annotation to ingress to pass client IP to X-FORWARDED-FOR header. | 
            proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For   $proxy_protocol_addr;
    • If you are using ingress rewriting rules, ensure X-Original-URI header is supported to pass original URI. By default it is enabled.
  • Make sure the Kubernetes data collector is installed and enabled. Otherwise, the DEM service cannot be found in IBM Cloud App Management portal. For more information, see Kubernetes data collector.

About this task

To enable DEM for HTTP server, you must first deploy the UA Plug-in for DEM, and then configure the DEM plug-in for HTTP Server. Do the following steps:


  1. Deploy the UA Plug-in for DEM. For more information, see Installing and configuring the Unified Agent.
  2. Install and configure the DEM plug-in for HTTP Server. For more information, see Installing and configuring the DEM plug-in for HTTP Server.