Configuring Microsoft Cluster Server monitoring

You must configure the Monitoring Agent for Microsoft Cluster Server so that the agent can collect the cluster server data. Use the silent response file to configure the agent.

Before you begin

Ensure that you complete the following tasks:

  • Create an empty resource group for the agent.
  • Create a generic service cluster resource in the resource group of the agent on Windows Server 2008, 2012, 2016, and 2019 systems.
  • You must have administrator privileges to connects to the Microsoft Cluster Server environment or application. You can create a new user and assign administrator privileges by adding the new user to the Administrators group.
    Remember: To configure the Microsoft Cluster Server agent, you can use a local or a domain user who has administrator privileges.

The product version and the agent version often differ. The directions here are for the most current release of this agent. For information about how to check the version of an agent in your environment, see Agent version command. For detailed information about the agent version list and what's new for each version, see the Change history.

About this task

The Microsoft Cluster Server agent is a single instance agent. You must install and configure the agent manually in the same way on each node in the cluster. To configure the agent, see Configuring the agent by using the silent response file.