Business Analysis Work Center

As a business analyst, you can use the Business Analysis Work Center to analyze information, and monitor and identify trends. You can use the data that is provided by the Work Center to improve operation and user performance.

The Business Analysis Work Center converts Maximo data to different formats for the various aspects of your organization. These areas include work efficiency, schedule compliance, supply rates, and inventory balances. Converted data is displayed in multiple chart types to ensure that information is easy to understand and analyze. You can download charts as images to share and present data, or you can change the chart type to meet your viewing needs.

Additionally, you can view your data in KPIs to monitor operational performance. New KPIs focus on data quality and allow you to collect, track, and measure the most important data for your organization.

You can use the Data Set Designer application to create data sets. Data sets can be downloaded in a comma-separated value (CSV) format, or, if you have an IBM Watson Analytics subscription, you can export data directly to Watson Analytics.

By using your Maximo data in Watson Analytics, you can perform the following tasks:
  • Receive Data Quality Scores that detail which attributes are incomplete or imbalanced.
  • Explore your data by using Watson Analytic's Natural Language Processing.
  • Create visual, dynamic dashboards of your Maximo data.
  • Identify the key components that influence your data to determine which attributes influence your processes.