Accessing your log data

Access your log data to troubleshoot issues.

About this task

Watson Assistant Solutions uses IBM Cloud Logging to log data. To learn about IBM Cloud Logging, see the IBM Cloud Logging documentation. You can access your log data from the Watson Assistant Solutions console or directly from IBM Cloud.

Kibana, an open source analytics and visualization tool, is used to present log data. To learn more about Kibana, see the Kibana 5.1 Getting Started documentation.

Before you begin

Locate the GUID of your IBM Cloud Foundry space. The Watson Assistant Solutions service uses the GUID to save your log data to your space. Complete these steps:

  1. If you do not have an IBMid, create one. For instructions, see Create a free account on IBM Cloud.
  2. Install the IBM Cloud Log Analysis cli plugin. Enter:
     bx plugin install logging-cli -r Bluemix
  3. Log in to your region of IBM Cloud. For example, enter:
     bx login -a --sso
    and follow the onscreen prompts. Note: The --sso flag is for IBM internal use only.
  4. Set the target org and space of your application and services. Enter:
     bx target -o paste-your-org-name-here -s paste-your-space-name-here
  5. Find your GUID. Enter:
     bx cf space paste-your-space-name-here --guid
  6. Copy your GUID to your clipboard.


To access your logs, complete these steps:

  1. Log in to the console. For instructions, see Accessing your tenant.
  2. Click the Logs tab.
  3. If you are accessing logs for the first time, enter your GUID, click Connect, and close the dialog.
  4. Click the Logs tab on the console to open the Kibana log tool with your log data. To see logs that are associated with Watson Assistant Solutions, enter the search string type:watsonassistant. To filter the log data to show only your tenant, enter your tenant ID and tenant name.

Alternatively, open the log files from IBM Cloud Logging .

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Logging personal information