Using the sample audio client

To quickly get started with the voice interface, download a sample Java-based audio client and connect it to your Watson Assistant Solutions tenant.

Note: To reconfigure your audio client, start the procedure from step 3.

Before you begin

  1. Install Java 8.
    1. Scroll down to the Java SE 8u* section.
    2. Click the JDK Download button.
    3. Accept the license agreement.
    4. Click the link for your operating system.
    5. Double-click the download file to install the Java JDK.
  2. Install Maven.
    1. Click the apache-maven-* link to download.
    2. Extract the Maven zip file to a directory on your local system.
    3. From the command line, add the Maven binaries to your PATH variable . For example, on a Mac OS, enter:
      export PATH=paste-directory-where-you-unzipped-maven/bin:$PATH
  3. Create an IAM API key for your tenant. For instructions, see the Managing user API keys in the IBM Cloud Docs. Download the key file for later use.
  4. Sign in to your Watson Assistant Solutions tenant.


  1. Copy the sample audio client to your system. Open a Git terminal and enter:
    git clone
  2. In the sample client, copy the config/ file and rename it to config/
  3. Set the following mandatory parameters in the config/ file on the audio client.
  4. Build your audio client. From the top-level directory of your client, enter:
     mvn package
    A JAR file for the audio client is created in the target/ directory. The file name includes a version number. Each build includes a -SNAPSHOT suffix.
  5. Start the audio client JAR file. From the top-level directory of your client, enter:
     java -jar target/wpa-1.4-SNAPSHOT.jar
    On Raspberry Pi, enter:
     sudo java -jar wpa-1.4-SNAPSHOT.jar
  6. (Optional) Deploy the audio client to your audio device or Raspberry Pi and start the JAR file. Copy the audio client JAR file and the /config directory from the /target directory and save them to a directory, for example, /watson, on your device. For example:
     $ scp target/wpa-1.4-SNAPSHOT.jar pi@
    The Jar file and the /config directory must be at the same level on your device.
  7. Chat with your assistant.
    1. Press Enter on your keyboard to start and say "Hello". Pause after each utterance.
    2. Ask some questions. For example, "What is a hurricane" and "Tell me about bitcoin".
    3. Press Ctrl + C to stop the client.

Next topic

How audio is processed