Liberty: productInfo command

Use the productInfo command to validate the product integrity, compare different versions of the Liberty servers, and verify the current product versions.


The command syntax is as follows:

productInfo action --[options]

Where the possible values of the options vary depending on the value of the action parameter.


The following action parameters and options values are available for the productInfo command:
Allows you to compare APAR fixes that are installed in the current installation with a different version of Liberty.
--target=path to directory or archive file
Specifies the target file with which to compare the current installation. The value of --target can be either a directory or an archive file that must be a valid Liberty installation location. This option is required if --apars is not specified.
--apars=a comma-separated list of APAR IDs
Checks the current installation against this comma-separated list of APAR IDs to see if it contains them, and then lists any APARs that are not included. This option is required if --target is not specified.
--output=path to an output file
Outputs the result from this command to the supplied file name. By default, the output is directed to standard output.
Displays detailed error messages when an error occurs.
Note: At least one of --target or --apars must be supplied.
Lists all the features that are installed on the current Liberty server including any installed product extensions.
--output=path to an output file
Outputs the result from this command to the supplied file name. By default, the output is directed to standard output.
Validates the Liberty server.
--output=path to an output file
Outputs the result from this command to the supplied file name. By default, the output is directed to standard output.
Displays the product name and version.
The output includes the name and version of product extensions if a file is provided in the product extension installations versions directory that contains the following properties:
Outputs the result from this command to the supplied file name. By default, the output is directed to standard output.
Displays the whole content of each properties file.
Displays the APAR fixes that are applied to the system, and the interim fixes that applied them.

For more information, see Provide product information for your feature extension.

Displays the license agreement for the Liberty edition that is installed.
Displays the license information for the Liberty edition that is installed.
Displays help information for the specific action.


The following examples demonstrate correct syntax:

productInfo compare --target=C:\wlp\newInstall\wlp
productInfo compare --target=C:\wlp\newInstall.jar --output=C:\wlp\compareOutput.txt
productInfo compare,,
productInfo featureInfo --output=c:\wlp\featureListOutput.txt
productInfo validate
productInfo help compare
productInfo version
productInfo viewLicenseAgreement
productInfo viewLicenseInfo