Runtime options for IMS command batch jobs

You can use IMS command global options to define certain processing characteristics for all jobs.

You can override most processing options by defining the IMS command job options.

The global options can be overridden by the IMS command job options or by specifying ATYOPTS ddname input statements.

Any options that are specified in ATYOPTS will override any previously specified processing options.

ddname input and output specification

At run time when searching for ddname values, IMS Administration Tool uses the following sequence to look up specific batch job ddnames to use for input and output:
  1. ATYOPTS ddname input statement:
    You can use the ATYOPTS ddname input statements to specify ddnames by using these parameters:
    • DDNINP
    • DDNOUT
    If the DDNINP and DDNOUT parameters and the ddnames are present in the JCL, they are used when the batch job is processed. For example:
    //LEM    DD  ......
    //LIME  DD  SYSOUT=*  
    //ATYOPTS  DD  *  
  2. IMS command global options:

    You can use the global options to specify the ddnames to use for batch job input and output data.

    To use a single set of ddnames, specify the name of the input and output ddname in the global options.

  3. ddname table (ATYDDTBL):

    You can create a ddname table to hold the multiple ddname listings.

    Sample JCL is located in the SATYSAMP member ATYDDTBL.