IMS catalog space analysis and summary reports

IMS catalog database analysis and validation functions allow you to view the number of objects and instances in the IMS catalog, determine IMS catalog database space utilization status, and perform impact analysis for both initial IMS catalog planning and the addition of large number of objects to the existing IMS catalog.

IMS catalog analysis and validation provides three report views:

  1. IMS catalog database space analysis
    • IMS catalog environment
    • IMS catalog database space usage
    • Program and database instances in IMS catalog database
  2. DBD and PSB summary reports
  3. DBD and PSB detail reports
Note: The IMSID selection list only shows IMS subsystems that have the IMS catalog enabled and populated.
Note: When the IMS control region is active in a z/OS® LPAR where the IMS Tools Base Distributed Access Infrastructure (DAI) server is not running, the IMSID must be in a data sharing group.

IMS catalog analysis issues DL/I calls to the IMS catalog database. Therefore, data sharing must be configured for the IMS systems so that they can communicate with the LPAR where the DAI server is running.

Use the IRLM to configure data sharing for the IMS systems. Then create an IMS data sharing group for IMS Administration Tool and register the IMS systems to the group. The IRLM of one of the IMS systems in the group must be defined to the LPAR where the DAI server is running.

Analysis and report terminology

For DBD and PSB analysis and report details, DBDs and PSBs are known as objects.

Objects can be further distinguished as resources and instances:

  • Resource refers to a DBD object that is identified by a DBD name, or a PSB object that identified by a PSB name.
  • Instance refers to a specific time/date occurrence of a resource.

    For example, a PSB resource can have multiple instances with different timestamps.

Space analysis: IMS catalog environment

The IMS catalog environment report displays the following information:

  • IMS ID
  • IMS version
  • Managed ACBs
    IMS management of ACBs is disabled. ACBs are managed by ACB libraries
    IMS management of ACBs is enabled. ACBs are managed by IMS catalog (directory)
  • DFSDF member

    DFSDFxxx member name in IMS PROCLIB

  • IMS catalog PHIDAM database name
  • Number of PHIDAM partitions
  • Data set organization (PHIDAM partitions)

Space analysis: IMS catalog database space usage

The IMS catalog database space usage report displays the following information:

  • IMS catalog PHIDAM database name
  • PHIDAM partition name
  • Data set group
  • Data set name
  • Allocated extents

    The number of allocated extents of the database data set.

  • IMS size limit

    Maximum data set size that is limited by IMS.

  • Allocated space (Bytes)

    Allocated space size of the database data set.

  • Used space (Bytes)

    Used space size that is high used RBA (Relative Bytes Address) of the database data set. It is the place of end-of-file.

  • IMS limit used (%)

    Ratio of used space to IMS space limit.

  • Allocated space used (%)

    Ratio of used space to allocated space.

Space analysis: Program and database instances in IMS catalog database - Estimated sizes

The Program and database instances in IMS catalog database report displays the following information:

  • Program (PSB) instances

    The number of PSB instances in the IMS catalog database.

  • Database (DBD) instances

    The number of DBD instances in the IMS catalog database

  • Total

    The number of PSB and DBD instances in the IMS catalog database.

  • Estimated average size (web interface only)

    Estimated average size of PSB and DBD instances.

    This estimation does not take the extra time to read the IMS catalog database directly. Therefore, IMS segment data and free space information is not analyzed.

    As the result, the estimated size value can be larger than the average size value because the estimated average size value includes the IMS free space.

Space analysis: Program and database instances in IMS catalog database - Calculated sizes

The average sizes of DBD and PSB instances are calculated by directly reading the IMS catalog database. IMS free spaces are excluded from the average size values. Therefore, the average size values are more accurate than the estimated average size values (Estimated average size values are provided only through the web interface).

  • Number of PSB instances
  • Calculated average size of PSB instances
  • Number of DBD instances
  • Calculated average size of DBD instances
  • Total number of PSB and DBD instances
  • Calculated average size of PSB and DBD instances

PSB summary report

The PSB summary report displays the following information:

  • All PSB instances
    • Number of PSB instances
    • Average size of PSB instances
  • Obsolete PSB instances
    • Number of obsolete PSB instances

      An obsolete instance is not used by IMS.

      For the details of obsolete instances, refer an explanation of status in PSB List.

    • Average size of obsolete PSB instances
  • Number of PSB resources having multiple instances
    • Number of PSB resources
    • Number of PSB resources having multiple instances
    • Average number of instances per PSB resource
    • Highest number of instances within one PSB resource

Start of changePSB detail reportEnd of change

The PSB detail report (Show full PSB list tab in web interface) displays PSB instances stored in the IMS catalog database and information about them.
For ISPF interface users:

The report also shows PSB resource members in the IMS directory or ACB library data sets so that you can check the consistency between the instances in the IMS catalog with the members in the IMS directory or the ACB library.

You can view PSB statements of the PSBs that are displayed in the PSB detail report. You can also delete PSB instances.

View PSB statements
Use line command V (View) to display PSB statements of the instances in the IMS catalog database or of the members in the IMS directory or the ACB library.
Delete an instance
Use line command D (Delete) to delete an instance from the IMS catalog database. Line command D can be used only when IMS is online. Active and pending instances cannot be deleted. Also, members in the IMS directory and the ACB library cannot be deleted.
Restriction: Start of changeIf the IMS catalog database is not registered to DBRC, instances cannot be deleted through the panel. You can delete instances by creating JCL.End of change
Delete all obsolete instances
You can delete all obsolete instances at once. Obsolete instances are indicated as OBSOLETE in the Status column.
  • Delete from the panel

    Use primary command D (Delete) to delete all obsolete instances displayed in the report. Primary command D can be used only when IMS is online.

    Tip: You can delete obsolete instances of specific PSBs at once. To do so, use the PSB Filter to display only the PSB instances that have specific strings in their names and use primary command D to delete all instances that are displayed.
    Restriction: Start of changeIf the IMS catalog database is not registered to DBRC, instances cannot be deleted through the panel. You can delete instances by creating JCL.End of change
  • Build JCL and delete at a later time

    Use primary command J (Build JCL) to generate JCL that you can use to delete all obsolete instances. Obsolete instances that will be deleted at run time are those identified as obsolete at the time when the job is executed. The generated JCL job can be run when IMS is online or offline.

    Tip: If you use the PSB Filter to display PSB instances that have specific strings in their names and then use primary command J (Build JCL), the generated JCL contains JCL statements for deleting only the instances that match the filter criteria.

The PSB detail report displays the following information:

  • PSB resource name
  • Generation date and time
  • Size of PSB instance in IMS catalog database
  • C (ISPF interface only)

    Condition of the PSB resource.

    An asterisk (*) indicates a timestamp mismatch between the instance in the IMS catalog and the member in the IMS directory or the ACB library.

    ACT-DIR, PEND-DIR (ISPF interface only)
    The PSB member is in IMS directory active data set (ACT-DIR) or staging data set (PEND-DIR).

    These indicators are displayed when the IMS management of ACBs is enabled.

    ACT-ACBL, PEND-ACBL, INACT-ACBL (ISPF interface only)
    The PSB member is in IMS ACB library active data set (ACT-ACBL), staging data set (PEND-ACBL), or inactive data set (INACT-ACBL).

    These indicators are displayed when the IMS management of ACBs is not enabled.

    The PSB instance is active.

    The timestamp matches the active timestamp that is stored in the header segment in IMS catalog database.

    The PSB instance is pending.

    The timestamp matches the pending timestamp that is stored in the header segment in IMS catalog database.

    The PSB instance is active.

    The timestamp is equivalent to the active object in an IMS active ACB library.

    This status is displayed when the IMS management of ACBs is not enabled and the active timestamp is not stored in the header segment in the IMS catalog database.

    The PSB instance is pending.

    The timestamp is equivalent to the pending object in an IMS staging ACB library.

    This status is displayed when the IMS management of ACBs is not enabled and the pending timestamp is not stored in the header segment in the IMS catalog database.

    The PSB instance is inactive.

    The timestamp is equivalent to the inactive object in an IMS inactive ACB library.

    This status is displayed when the IMS management of ACBs is not enabled.

    The PSB instance is obsolete and it is not used by IMS. The following conditions can apply:
    • The instance has an old timestamp.
    • The instance has a newer timestamp than ACTIVE, but it is not in PENDING.

DBD summary report

The DBD summary report displays the following information:

  • All DBD instances
    • Number of DBD instances
    • Average size of DBD instances
  • Obsolete DBD instances
    • Number of obsolete DBD instances

      An obsolete instance is not used by IMS.

      For the details of obsolete instances, refer an explanation of status in DBD List.

    • Average size of obsolete DBD instances
  • Number of DBD resources having multiple instances
    • Number of DBD resources
    • Number of DBD resources having multiple instances
    • Average number of instances per DBD resource
    • Highest number of instances within one DBD resource
  • DBD instances not pointed to by PSBs
    • Number of DBD instances not pointed to by PSBs
    • Average Size (Bytes)

Start of changeDBD detail reportEnd of change

The DBD detail report (Show full DBD list tab in web interface) displays DBD instances stored in the IMS catalog database and information about them.
For ISPF interface users:

The report also shows DBD resource members in the IMS directory or ACB library data sets so that you can check the consistency between the instances in the IMS catalog with the members in the IMS directory or the ACB library.

You can view DBD statements of the DBDs that are displayed in the DBD detail report. You can also delete DBD instances.

View DBD statements
Use line command V (View) to display DBD statements of the instances in the IMS catalog database or of the members in the IMS directory or the ACB library.
Delete an instance
Use line command D (Delete) to delete an instance from the IMS catalog database. Line command D can be used only when IMS is online. Active and pending instances cannot be deleted. Also, members in the IMS directory and the ACB library cannot be deleted.
Restriction: Start of changeIf the IMS catalog database is not registered to DBRC, instances cannot be deleted through the panel. You can delete instances by creating JCL.End of change
Delete all obsolete instances
You can delete all obsolete instances at once. Obsolete instances are indicated as OBSOLETE in the Status column.
  • Delete from the panel

    Use primary command D (Delete) to delete all obsolete instances displayed in the report. Primary command D can be used only when IMS is online.

    Tip: You can delete obsolete instances of specific DBDs at once. To do so, use the DBD Filter to display only the DBD instances that have specific strings in their names and use primary command D to delete all instances that are displayed.
    Restriction: Start of changeIf the IMS catalog database is not registered to DBRC, instances cannot be deleted through the panel. You can delete instances by creating JCL.End of change
  • Build JCL and delete at a later time

    Use primary command J (Build JCL) to generate JCL that you can use to delete all obsolete instances. Obsolete instances that will be deleted at run time are those identified as obsolete at the time when the job is executed. The generated JCL job can be run when IMS is online or offline.

    Tip: If you use the DBD Filter to display DBD instances that have specific strings in their names and then use primary command J (Build JCL), the generated JCL contains JCL statements for deleting only the instances that match the filter criteria.

The DBD detail report displays the following information:

  • DBD resource name
  • Database (DB) version
  • Generation date and time
  • Size of DBD instance in IMS catalog database
  • C (ISPF interface only)

    Condition of the DBD resource.

    An asterisk (*) indicates a timestamp mismatch between the instance in the IMS catalog and the member in the IMS directory or the ACB library.

    ACT-DIR, PEND-DIR (ISPF interface only)
    The DBD member is in IMS directory active data set (ACT-DIR) or staging data set (PEND-DIR).

    These indicators are displayed when the IMS management of ACBs is enabled.

    ACT-ACBL, PEND-ACBL, INACT-ACBL (ISPF interface only)
    The DBD member is in IMS ACB library active data set (ACT-ACBL), staging data set (PEND-ACBL), or inactive data set (INACT-ACBL).

    These indicators are displayed when the IMS management of ACBs is not enabled.

    The DBD instance is active.

    The timestamp matches the active timestamp that is stored in the header segment in IMS catalog database.

    The DBD instance is pending.

    The timestamp matches the pending timestamp that is stored in the header segment in IMS catalog database.

    The DBD instance is active.

    The timestamp is equivalent to the active object in an IMS active ACB library.

    This status is displayed when the IMS management of ACBs is not enabled and the active timestamp is not stored in the header segment in the IMS catalog database.

    The DBD instance is pending.

    The timestamp is equivalent to the pending object in an IMS staging ACB library.

    This status is displayed when the IMS management of ACBs is not enabled and the pending timestamp is not stored in the header segment in the IMS catalog database.

    The DBD instance is inactive.

    The timestamp is equivalent to the inactive object in an IMS inactive ACB library.

    This status is displayed when the IMS management of ACBs is not enabled.

    The DBD instance is not active nor pending, and it can be used by IMS if the DB Version is specified by a PSB or an application program.

    Usable indicator is displayed for the instance that has the most recent timestamp within the same DB Version.

    This is a logical DBD and the latest timestamp instance.

    IMS does not store active or pending timestamp in the header segment in IMS catalog database. For this reason, (LOGICAL) is set instead of ACTIVE or PENDING.

    IMS does not store logical DBD members in IMS directory or ACB library. For this reason, IMS directory or ACBLIB members for the logical DBD are not displayed in the report.

    This is a GSAM DBD and the latest timestamp instance.

    This status is displayed when the IMS management of ACBs is not enabled and the active timestamp is not stored in the header segment in the IMS catalog database. IMS does not store GSAM DBD members in IMS ACB libraries.

    Active or pending cannot be determined from the header segment or the ACB libraries. For this reason, (GSAM) is displayed.

    In addition, IMS ACBLIB members for the GSAM DBD are not displayed in the report.

    The DBD instance is obsolete and it is not used by IMS. The following conditions can apply:
    • The instance has an old timestamp.
    • The instance has a newer timestamp than ACTIVE, but it is not PENDING.
  • Number of PSB Resources Referring this DBD

    The number of active PSB instances that reference the active or usable DBD instance.

    • For GSAM and logical DBDs, instances flagged with (GSAM) or (LOGICAL) are calculated.
    • When DB Versioning is enabled, the following IMS definitions are evaluated for this calculation:
      • DBLEVEL=BASE or CURRENT in the DFSDFxxx member of the IMS PROCLIB
      • DBLEVEL=BASE or CURRENT in the PSB
      • DBVER=n in the PSB
      Note: The INIT VERSION call in an IMS application program is not evaluated.
    • DBD and PSB members in the IMS directory or ACB library are not calculated.