How to organize the build script

The helloworld.groovy build script that we write in the tutorial is a simple example of how to use Groovy to build z/OS programs by using DBB APIs. However, it has two problems to be fixed before it can be used for building an enterprise application:

Solutions to Problem 1: Use properties, properties files, YAML files, or all

Properties are name-value pairs of type string that are defined outside of the build scripts and are either loaded (read) from a file or passed in as command line arguments. Below is a sample properties file:

# Absolute path of the source directory i.e. directory containing .git

# Absolute path to the build output directory

# High Level Qualifier for build data sets

# DBB Repository Web Application authentication properties

# DBB Repository Dependency Data Collection Name

You can also use YAML files, which are of file extension .yml or .yaml, to configure the build just as using properties files. You can use one or more YAML files or a combination of YAML and properties files. For more information, see Using YAML files to configure builds. Below is a sample YAML file that defines some of the properties in the properties file above.


  # DBB Repository Web Application authentication properties
  - key: dbb.RepositoryClient.url
  - key: dbb.RepositoryClient.userId
    value: ADMIN
  - key: dbb.RepositoryClient.passwordFile
    value: ${sourceDir}/Build/MortgageApplication/build/

# DBB Repository Dependency Data Collection Name
  - key: collection
    value: MortgageApplication

Though most scripting languages support passing in string arguments from the command line, depending on the number of properties needed by the build scripts, it might be easier to define the properties in a properties file. However, it is also a common practice to define a properties file as the default properties but also write the build script to allow users to override the default properties with passed-in arguments, as discussed in Passing script arguments from command line.

Categorization of properties

The properties are categorized as follows:

Sandbox properties

In the hello world example, the helloworld.cbl file was located in the /u/usr1/build directory. You can tell from the path that the directory probably belongs to a specific user 'usr1'.

These three locations comprise what is commonly called the "user sandbox". It is where the user can store modified source code and generate build outputs without overwriting anyone else files or data set members. The sandbox properties are good candidates to be included a properties file. The location of a user's properties file could be passed into the build script as a single argument. A common convention is to have a file called in the same directory as the build script that could contain a default sandbox to be used to team builds. The content of which could be:


Build properties class

Properties and properties files are fairly common and most scripting languages have native support for them. Groovy, as a Java scripting language, uses the java.util.Properties class to read properties files. This class is perfectly adequate to support what has been discussed so far; however, DBB does provide the class as well. The BuildProperties class has much of the same functionality as the Java Properties class but it also provides three additional useful features:

File properties

File properties are useful in cases where some source files being built need to be handled differently than the rest of the source files. An example of this is where some COBOL programs need different compiler options than the rest of the COBOL programs. Instead of hardcoding the names of the special case files in the build scripts, file properties can be created for those source files in the file. This allows for easy maintenance if you need to add or remove files of this type.


In the example above, the first property defined is a normal property called compileOpts that is used as the 'default' compile option for the COBOL compiler. The second property defined is a file property. This can be seen by the use of :: as a delimiter between the property value and the comma-delimited list of file path patterns use to indicate which files the property is associated to. In this case, all of the files in App1/cobol and App2/cobol directories with the .cbl file extension are associated with compileOpts=APOST,DATA31,LIB,DYNAM. All other programs will default to compileOpts=LIB.

Note: Normally when two properties are defined with the same property name, the second declaration of the property will overwrite the first declaration of the property. This rule also applies to the BuildProperties class but only applies for normal key-value pair properties. File properties allow for duplicate property names because the 'key' of a file property is name + file pattern. If two file properties have both the name and a file path pattern that is identical, then the value of the second declaration of the name + file pattern will overwrite the first one.

To use the file property in the build script you first will have to load the file using a BuildProperties.load(...) method. Then you can use the BuildProperties class name as a static variable in our script:

def opts = BuildProperties.getFileProperty("compileOpts", file)
def compile = new MVSExec().pgm("IGYCRCTL").parm(opts)

In the case where file = App1/cobol/ABXDTC.cbl, then APOST,DATA31,LIB,DYNAM will be used as the parm value. If the file = App3/cobol/DEBWRD.cbl, then LIB will be used as the parm value.

DBB configuration properties

Some DBB APIs require you to set configuration like properties on each declaration that are often the same for all declarations and never change during the build process. Examples of this can be seen in the RepositoryClient, ISPFExec, TSOExec and so on. You can declare DBB configuration properties in the properties files that will automatically set those values without having to code them explicitly in the build scripts.

Below is a list of supported DBB configuration properties:

Property name Description Property type
dbb.file.tagging Flag indicating the data set members that are copied to zFS via the CopyToHFS command should be tagged with the CCSID of the file basic
dbb.gateway.type ISPFExec and TSOExec gateway type
Possible values are legacy or interactive
dbb.gateway.reuseIspfSession Toggle for the gateway to reuse the ISPF session
Applicable for both legacy and interactive gateway
dbb.gateway.procedureName Interactive gateway Procedure Name basic
dbb.gateway.accountNumber Interactive gateway Account Number basic
dbb.gateway.groupId Interactive gateway Group ID basic
dbb.gateway.regionSize Interactive gateway Region Size basic
dbb.gateway.logLevel Interactive gateway Log Level basic
dbb.RepositoryClient.url URL for the Repository Client basic
dbb.RepositoryClient.userId User ID for the Repository Client basic
dbb.RepositoryClient.password Password for the Repository Client basic
dbb.RepositoryClient.passwordFile Password File for the Repository Client basic
dbb.DependencyScanner.allowIncludeInAnyColumn Toggle for Dependency Scanner file
dbb.DependencyScanner.expandIncludeInComment Toggle for Dependency Scanner file
dbb.DependencyScanner.freeFormatCobol Toggle for Dependency Scanner file
dbb.DependencyScanner.languageHint Toggle for Dependency Scanner file
dbb.DependencyScanner.scanNetviewDependencies Toggle for Dependency Scanner file
dbb.DependencyScanner.defaultLibrary Default Library for Dependency Scanner file
dbb.LinkEditScanner.excludeNameFilter Exclude filter for Link Edit Scanner file
dbb.scriptMapping Script Mapping file

Using YAML files to configure builds

Each YAML file must have a top-level element buildProperties followed by multiple key and value pairs. Other top-level elements can exist but are ignored.

Passing script arguments from command line

Another way to customize build scripts is to pass arguments to the script from the command line when invoking the script or in the case of a CI server like Jenkins, there is usually a field in build script plug-in where input arguments are listed. This does not have to be an either/or scenario. A common practice is to have the build script use a properties file as its default properties but also write the build script to allow users to override the default properties with passed in arguments. This is another useful way in handling sandbox properties by having the team build sandbox properties defined in the file and then allow users to pass in their own sandbox properties for when they want to run a user build.


Groovy has a utility class called CliBuilder that is very useful for automatically parsing command line arguments which contain both optional and required arguments. It can even output a usage message if desired. For example:

def parseInput(String[] cliArgs){
    def cli = new CliBuilder(usage: "deploy.groovy [options]")
    cli.b(longOpt:'buztool', args:1, argName:'file', 'Absolute path to UrbanCode Deploy script') 
    cli.w(longOpt:'workDir', args:1, argName:'dir', 'Absolute path to the DBB build output directory')
    cli.c(longOpt:'component', args:1, argName:'name', 'Name of the UCD component to create version in')
    cli.h(longOpt:'help', 'Prints this message')
    def opts = cli.parse(cliArgs)
    if (opts.h) { // if help option used, print usage and exit

Solutions to Problem 2: Use a main build script to call more dedicated build scripts

Most enterprise applications are comprised of many source files often written in a variety of programming languages, such as COBOL, PL/I, C and Assembler. They may also include specialized source files such as CICS BMS and IMS MFS map files as well as database DBRM files and Link-Edit files. Putting all of the logic to build an application this complex into a single build script would result in a very large and complicated script. A better design would be to have several build scripts with each designed to build a single type of source file. The build process would begin by calling a "main" build script that could perform a number of build initialization tasks such as the following:

After the build initialization is complete, the main build script iterates though a build file list, calling each dedicated build script depending on the file type to build. After all the files in the build list have been processed, the main build script could run through a clean up phase, deleting temporary files and finalizing and storing build artifacts.

Build file list

The Mortgage Application sample, which is part of the samples that ships with DBB, contains a build script build.groovy in it's build folder. This is the main build script for the Mortgage Application. It is expecting a file to be passed in as an argument. This is the name of the file to build. However if the file has a .txt file extension, then the build script assumes that it is a text file which contains a list of files that need to be built.

Note: In this documentation and the DBB API descriptions, the term 'file' can have two different meanings depending on context.

The build list file can be a static file that contains a list of files that are always to be built. Alternatively, it can be dynamically created by a pre-build process to contain only the files that need to be built at that time. An example of a static build list file is included in the MortgageApplication sample in MortgageApplication/build/files.txt:


Since this file is used for both dependency scanning and build programs, the list contains both programs and copybooks. However, only the programs and map files will be built. This is done by using script mappings.

Script mappings

Script mappings are file properties in which the property name is scriptMapping and the value is the name of the specific build script that should be called to build the files associated to the property. Script mapping supports specification of criteria such as file extensions, file paths, glob and regex patterns, for example:

scriptMapping = BMSProcessing :: MortgageApplication/bms/*.bms
scriptMapping = Compile :: MortgageApplication/cobol/epsmlist.cbl, MortgageApplication/cobol/epsnbrvl.cbl
scriptMapping = CobolCompile :: MortgageApplication/cobol/epsmpmt.cbl, MortgageApplication/cobol_cics/*.cbl, MortgageApplication/cobol_cics_db2/*.cbl
scriptMapping = LinkEdit :: MortgageApplication/link/*.lnk
scriptMapping = MFSGENUtility :: MortgageApplication/mfs/*.mfs

These properties are loaded at the beginning of the build process with the other build properties. You can see the referred called build scripts in the MortgageApplication/build folder:


Though script mappings can be accessed as file properties using the DBB BuildProperties class, DBB also provides a special utility class called that contains additional methods for processing script mappings. It contains useful methods such as isMapped(file), getScriptName(file) and getMappedList(scriptName, buildList) which returns a sublist of all the files in the build list that are mapped to a specific script. An example of using ScriptMappings.getMappedList(scriptName, buildList) to get a list of files mapped to specific script and the iterate over the list calling the build script for each file can be seen in MortgageApplication/build/build.groovy:

// Use the ScriptMappings class to get the files mapped to the build script
def scriptList = ScriptMappings.getMappedList(script, buildList)
def scriptName = "$properties.sourceDir/MortgageApplication/build/${script}.groovy"
scriptList.each { file ->
    run(new File(scriptName), [file] as String[])

Reducing time consumption by Groovy build script caching

During build execution, the called Groovy scripts are compiled immediately into Java classes and invoked. Though the compilation is fast, it still takes time and if the build process builds hundreds or even thousands of source files, this can result in significant build processing times. Since most build processes generally call the same few Groovy scripts over and over again, adding a Groovy script caching mechanism to your build process can greatly reduce the amount of time it takes to load, recompile and execute Groovy scripts resulting in lower process times. DBB provides a Groovy base script class that you can extend when writing your build scripts that will automatically load and cache called Groovy scripts.

Script caching API

You can extend your build scripts by adding the following line to the beginning of the script:

@groovy.transform.BaseScript baseScript

This now provides the following built-in methods that the build script can now invoke:

Note: The File script argument in the above methods supports both absolute and relative paths. If the script parameter contains a relative path, then it is automatically appended to the current script's parent directory. This means that loadScript(new File("Tools.groovy")) will try to load the Tools.groovy script file in the same directory that the current running script is in.


@groovy.transform.BaseScript baseScript

// receive passed arguments from argument map
def file = argMap.file
. . .

// call the bind package script using script caching API and passing argument hashmap
runScript(new File("BindPackage.groovy"), ["file":file])