Installing and configuring the DBB server

The DBB server is packaged with WebSphere® Liberty and can be run out of the box without any customization for a trial or POC. To run production, it is recommended that you configure the application server to run with IBM Db2®.

Downloading DBB server

The DBB server and samples tar file can be downloaded from Mainframe DEV. The tar file contains two tar files for the DBB server and DBB samples.

Installing DBB server


  1. Expand server tar on your Linux machine with the tar command. The result is a server tar.gz file and a sample tar.gz file.

     tar -xzvf dbb-server-samples_1.0.9.tar.gz
  2. Expand the server tar file from step 1 on your Linux machine with the tar command. The result is a wlp directory containing the Liberty runtime and DBB server configuration.

     tar -xzvf dbb-server-1.0.9.tar.gz
  3. Update the server configuration.

    • For running a POC or trial, the basic configuration provides all that you need for a quick setup and start.
    • For running a production server, you need to configure both the User Registry and an instance of Db2.
  4. Verify that the default Java runtime meets the minimum requirements or modify wlp/usr/servers/dbb/server.env to point to a Java runtime that meets the minimum requirements.

  5. Start the server with the following commands.

     wlp/bin/server start dbb

Configuring DBB server

If you are installing for the first time, continue with the configuration steps below. If you are upgrading from a previous release, review and follow the instructions in Migrating a Dependency Based Build server.

The configuration is located in wlp/usr/servers/dbb.

Server configuration properties

The file contains a few properties that the DBB server needs to customize the database schema and also allow the DBB server to obtain user team membership. (optional)

Use this property to set the database schema. The default schema is DBBZ. When you create the database tables, you must set this schema in the DDL. (optional)

Use this property to supply a prefix to the database schema. For example, if is not set and is set to B_, the schema is B_DBBZ. (required)

A userid that is assigned to the administrator-role in the server.xml. This is used to obtain user team membership when processing requests. (required)

The password for the userid supplied for Use the Liberty securityUtility to obfuscate the password. (required if LDAP is used)

Use this property to specify the base distinguished name for LDAP users (ex. ou=people,dc=dbb,o=ibm). (required if LDAP is used)

Use this to specify the user name part of the LDAP distinguished name (ex. uid).

Port numbers (optional)

You can update server.xml to modify the port numbers used by the server. By default, the server uses port 9080 and secured port 9443. The ports can be changed by modifying the httpEndpoint configuration with the ports of choice. Objects in the database are not dependent on the port numbers or host names so the port numbers can be changed. You can change the port numbers even after creating DBB objects, and the operation of the DBB server is not affected.

User Registry (optional)

For a production configuration, you should connect the liberty app server to your existing LDAP configuration.

The DBB server has a default user registry that has one user, "ADMIN" with the default password "ADMIN". Edit basicUserRegistry.xml to add, remove, or change passwords for users in the registry.

There are sample LDAP registry configurations in ldapUserRegistry.xml that can be used as a starting point to configure the server to use your LDAP registry. For more details, see Configuring LDAP user registries in Liberty. If you choose to use LDAP, you need to edit the server.xml to include ldapUserRegistry.xml and comment out the include for basicUserRegistry.xml.

Database (optional)

The DBB server is pre-configured to use a Derby database. The Derby database is also included as part of the default setup. If you want to switch to a Db2 database, do the following steps.

  1. Create a database for the DBB artifacts.

    • Db2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

      As the database instance user, issue the following command:

       db2 create database DBB using codeset UTF-8 territory en PAGESIZE 8192

      Note: Db2 requires a PAGESIZE of 8k or larger.

    • Db2 for z/OS

      When running DBB with Db2 for z/OS, you must create a Db2 storage group and a Db2 database. You must also authorize a user to the storage group and database.

      1. Create a storage group


        The storage group can be named something other than DBBSTG.

        yourHlq is the high-level qualifier of your Db2 files. It must exist on your system, and the DBB server JDBC user must have full access to it.

      2. Create the database

        You must create the database with UNICODE as the CCSID. The following example shows Db2 SQL create statements:


        You can replace the database name on the CREATE DATABASE statement with a different name. The database name is used during table creation so the script must be changed to match.

        BP16K0 is an example of the buffer pool name. On z/OS, a 16 K page size or larger is required. This buffer pool is used for creating tables. Table spaces are created in the default 16 K buffer pool, unless you selected a larger buffer pool.

      3. Authorize user access to the database

        The server requires a user ID and password to access the database. The user ID and password are specified later in the wlp/usr/servers/dbb/server.xml file. This user ID is not used to log on to the server. It is used only to provide authority for the server to access the Db2 for z/OS database. Specifically, this user ID requires permissions as shown in the example. In this example, the user has the name dbbuser.

        The minimum authority to create the tables and indexes in the next step require DBADM access to the database and USE access to the storage group.


        The DBADM can also be used in the server configuration. However, the minimum authority to access the database in a running server requires DELETE, INSERT, SELECT, and UPDATE on the database tables.

            ON TABLE
            TO dbbuser;  
        COMMIT ;
  2. Create your database tables by using the supplied scripts.

    Refer to the SQL scripts in wlp/usr/servers/dbb/DDL for the supported databases to create the schema and tables used by the DBB server to store file metadata.

    Modify the schema and database name in the script as necessary. To change schema name, set one or both schema properties. For more information, see Configuring DBB Server.

    • Db2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

      As the database instance user, from the wlp/usr/servers/dbb/DDL directory, run the following commands to create database tables:

      db2 connect to DBB  
      db2 -stvf create_DB2.sql
      db2 disconnect DBB
    • Db2 for z/OS

      You can use tools such as Data Studio or SPUFI to run the script to create the database tables used by the DBB server to store file metadata.

    The build result attachments, build report, and build report data are stored as BLOBs. The supplied scripts set the BLOB size to 100 M. If you anticipate attaching larger files or have an exceptionally large source code repository, you might want to consider increasing the BLOB size.

    If you find that your BLOB size is too small (i.e. SQLCODE -302 from INSERT into table ARTIFACT_CONTENT) after installation, you can modify the BLOB definition, for example to 150 M, using the following command:

    alter table ARTIFACT_CONTENT alter column CONTENT_DATA set data type blob(150M)
  3. Store your database drivers in an accessible location.

    Get the driver and the license JAR files from your installation directory of Db2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows or Db2 for z/OS and store them into a directory that is accessible by your server.

    • Db2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

      Copy the db2jcc4.jar and db2jcc_license_cu.jar files from your installation directory of Db2. For example, these files are typically located in the /opt/ibm/db2/V<version>/java directory on Linux.

    • Db2 for z/OS

      Copy the db2jcc4.jar and db2jcc_license_cisuz.jar files from your z/OS system installation directory of Db2 for z/OS. These files are typically located in the <baseInstallDir>/jdbc/classes directory.

  4. Modify server.xml as follows to configure dataSource for your database. Several examples are available in server.xml. Check the prerequisites document to ensure that the database is supported.

    • Comment out the default Derby jdbcDriver and dataSource elements.
    • Uncomment the example jdbcDriver and dataSource elements for either Db2 or Db2 for z/OS.
    • Modify the jdbcDriver fileset element with the directory where you stored your database drivers.
    • Modify the dataSource properties.db2.jcc element to set the correct databaseName, serverName, portNumber, user, and password.

Validating DBB server setup


  1. Navigate to https://localhost:9443/dbb/rest/collection.
  2. Log in with default credentials or any credentials you have configured.

    You should see a heading of "DBB Collections" with no collections listed.

  3. Create sample collections.

    1. Navigate to https://localhost:9443/dbb/rest/collection/setup. Expected result is "OK - Setup completed."
    2. Navigate to https://localhost:9443/dbb/rest/collection. Expect to see a list of collections ("Collection1", "Collection2", and "Collection3").
    3. Navigate to each collection to see the logical files and logical dependencies.


Review the log files that are generated at wlp/usr/servers/dbb/logs to identify issues with the server.