You can generate a coupling facility report by running the batch coupling facility report job.

The following sample JCL is included in the SBPLSAMP library in member BPLCF.
Figure 1. Sample JCL for running the coupling facility report job
//BPLCF    JOB                                                  
//* This job runs the Buffer Pool Analyzer coupling facility report.     
//  SET  SBPLLINK=BPL140.SBPLLINK          SBPLLINK DSN                     
//  SET  ITKBSRVR=                      OPTIONAL ITKB SERVER NAME        
//* Any number of GTF trace data sets may be included in each            
//* execution of the reporting utility.  Each GTF trace data set must    
//* be allocated to a DD statement that begins with DDNAME TRACE.  If    
//* there were three GTF trace data sets, a report execution could       
//* include DDNAMES TRACE1, TRACE2, and TRACEXYZ.                        
//STEPLIB  DD  DSN=*!ENT!*,DISP=SHR                                    
//SYSPRINT DD  SYSOUT=*                                                  
//GTFRPT   DD  SYSOUT=*                                                  
//SPLRPT   DD  SYSOUT=*                                                  
//MDLRPT   DD  SYSOUT=*                                                  
//DBDRPT   DD  SYSOUT=*                                                  
//DSNRPT   DD  SYSOUT=*                                                  
//SYSUDUMP DD  SYSOUT=*                                                  
//TRACE1   DD  DSN=???,DISP=SHR                                          
//TRACEXYZ DD  DSN=???,DISP=SHR                                          
//DFSVSAMP DD  DUMMY                                                     
//SYSIN    DD  DUMMY                                                     
You can define the following symbolic parameters in the sample job.
The SBPLLINK symbolic parameter sets the data set name of the IMS Buffer Pool Analyzer load library that is used in the STEPLIB DD statement.
You can use the optional ITKBSRVR parameter to set the XCF group name for the IMS Tools Knowledge Base servers on the LPAR where the report job will run. If IMS Tools Knowledge Base is not used in your installation, or if you do not want to write the coupling facility report to the Knowledge Base repository, leave this symbolic parameter blank.
The following DD names are included in the JCL for the Buffer Pool report:
Required DD statement that must refer to a data set that contains the IMS Buffer Pool Analyzer load modules. The library does not require APF authorization for any batch report jobs.
Print output file for error messages and SYSIN control statements. This DD statement is required. The DCB information for this DD statement, which does not need to be specified, is RECFM=FBA,LRECL=133.
Print output file for the GTF trace report. If you do not specify this DD statement, the GTF trace report will not be produced. DCB information is not required, but is RECFM=FBA,LRECL=133,DSORG=PS.
Print output file for the current configuration (actual) coupling facility reports. If you do not specify this DD statement, the current configuration reports will not be produced. DCB information is not required, but is RECFM=FBA,LRECL=133,DSORG=PS.
Print output file for the model configuration coupling facility reports, if an alternate configuration was requested in a DFSVSAMP DD statement or a CHANGE DBD statement in the SYSIN DD. If you do not specify this DD statement, the model subpool report will not be produced. DCB information is not required, but is RECFM=FBA,LRECL=133,DSORG=PS.
Print output file for the Data Set Information report. You can disable this report by using the SYSIN statement DSNRPT=NO. If you do not specify this DD statement, the Data Set Information report will not be produced. DCB information is not required, but is RECFM=FBA,LRECL=133,DSORG=PS.
Diagnostic information. If an abend occurs, the information that is produced by specifying this DD statement can be useful for troubleshooting purposes.
You can include an unlimited number of TRACExxx DD names in the report job. The last three characters of the DD name can be any characters that are valid in JCL. All of the specified trace data sets are read and combined for reporting purposes. At least one TRACExxx DD statement is required.
Restriction: Each TRACExxx DD statement can have only one trace data set. Concatenated data sets are not supported. To include multiple trace data sets, code each data set with a different DD name.

For other considerations, see Combining multiple traces into a single report.

Optional DD statement that can be used to specify an alternate configuration to model. When provided, this data set must contain IMS buffer pool definition statements, as described in the IMS System Definition, and IMS Buffer Pool Analyzer control statements described in DFSVSAMP statements.
Optional DD that can be used to specify IMS Buffer Pool Analyzer coupling facility report options. When provided, this data set must contain IMS Buffer Pool Analyzer statements, as described in SYSIN statements.