PROCESS(CBL) statement

With the PROCESS(CBL) statement, you can specify compiler options to be used in the compilation of the program. The PROCESS(CBL) statement is placed before the IDENTIFICATION DIVISION header of an outermost program.


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A series of one or more compiler options, each one separated by a comma or a space.

For more information about compiler options, see Compiler options in the Enterprise COBOL Programming Guide.

The PROCESS(CBL) statement can be preceded by a sequence number in columns 1 through 6. The first character of the sequence number must be numeric, and CBL or PROCESS can begin in column 8 or after; if a sequence number is not specified, CBL or PROCESS can begin in column 1 or after.

The PROCESS(CBL) statement must end before or at column 72, and options cannot be continued across multiple PROCESS(CBL) statements. However, you can use more than one PROCESS(CBL) statement. Multiple PROCESS(CBL) statements must follow one another with no intervening statements of any other type.

The PROCESS(CBL) statement must be placed before any comment lines or other compiler-directing statements.