What’s new in Rational Publishing Engine 2.1

Noteworthy items in the 2.1 release of IBM® Rational® Publishing Engine.

Rational Publishing Engine 2.1 contains the 2.0 web app, the 1.x Web Services, and the desktop client. You can use the web app to build, generate, and view documents. The web app contains both a web user interface and a document generation service.

Guided tours and template assistant

  • New in this release of the web app are guided tours. These tours are short tutorials that guide you through the most common workflows, step by step.
    Step 1 of scheduling document generation tour
  • New in the desktop client is the template assistant, which provides you with step by step guidance on creating a template, adding a data source, populating your template with data and elements, formatting, and generating a document. The blue text boxes guide you through the required actions, and the Guide view supplies additional details and links to the product documentation.
    Template Assistant

Web app capabilities - Report designers

Report designers can hide complexity from everyday users:

  • You can show all of the reports that are using a template.
  • You can make copies of data source connections or reports and then edit them.
  • You can update your existing reports so that they have the latest properties. If there is a new property in this release that you want to use in an existing report, you can open your existing report, make a change, and then save the report. Your report can now make use of any new properties that were added in version 2.1.

Document Studio
